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Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Universe and Religion Can They Both Exist?

Recently, I saw the movie *Contact* with Jodi Foster and Mathew McConnaghy. The story was about this character Ellie (Jodi Foster) who has a dream of contacting an alien species outside of earth. This always was a dream of her ever since childhood. As the years went by, entering her adulthood, her dream finally comes true while working for a company that listens to celestial sounds. The end result was an opportunity to have a transport built and travel to a place in space called Vega. Ellie is chosen to go and has a wonderful and elated experience.

Throughout the movie, Mathew McConnaghy follows Ellie around jotting down notes about her experiences. McConnaghy is a religious person but is also fascinated with science. The impression I get is he wants to publish a book that explains if science and religion can co-exist. Can society accept both equally? At the end of the movie, Ellie is given a question from McConnaghy, "Do you believe in God?". Ellie answers in a very scientific way and the impression I got was that she doesn't. She says she is a scientific person who relies on facts; concrete evidence that can be seen.

I bet your asking to yourself right now why have I chosen such a controversial subject. I can be a scientific person. Actually, I like to have facts just like Jodie Foster's character. My life revolves around a black and white world. I prefer concrete evidence to speculation. I have looked to science to help explain religion. Religion has so many interpretations but I believe there is only one logical explanation. Some information in the Bible is just stories while the other half are facts, which we misinterpret. People in the world either believes the Bible's rendition of the birth of earth, while others look upon the scientific. I don't think the earth was created in 6 days. To me 6 days in this point of history is not the same as 6 days back at the birth of earth. I'll come back to this subject later on.

It seems strange that people are more comfortable with religion and the bible than with science. Science is factual while religion is interpretation. Religion seems to have been a more reliable source of information for a longer period of time towards society. People don't realize that science has helped to verify elements from the Bible. They (scientists) have supposedly found Noah's ark the shroud of Jesus and other elements that may support what we have come to depend on from the greatest book known to us.

I have comprised a theory about how certain elements in the Bible, or religion itself, relate to science (the universe). I feel very strong about what I am going to say. The following thoughts have been conjured up by my own mind. Since I am now 27, I have had these opinions for half that time. I will take an element from religion and an element from science and combine the two to come up with a theory. I am not out to offend anybody or to insult religion. I do have a belief in religion and have faith, but on the same side I have a wild fascination with science and the universe.

Have you ever heard of astronomers or astrologers refer to the stars (the universe) as the heavens? People of religion also say that when we die we go to heaven and become one with God. Scientists know that a star is born every minute or every second. Some elements that make up the universe and stars can be found within our bodies. Sounds intriguing? Would you say we have a connection with the universe? A part of it? In a way we are. How often do people die on earth? Usually it is every minute; or maybe it is every second. Doesn't this seem ironic that for every person who dies a star is born at that same rate? To put it simple stars and people have similar compositions so I figure that when death occurs we go to heaven (the universe) and become a star in our vast galaxy. Its been said that when some people have had a near death experience a bright light is seen. I think this bright light is our soul that is traveling through space to find its final resting place. Since stars are vast bodies of light this tells me that this is our soul.

Scientists have no idea how big our universe is. They do believe is constantly expanding at an incredible rate. It needs to expand to allow more room for all those souls. The universe is probably infinite. As long we inhabit earth, the universe will always be expanding.

I have come to another conclusion. The universe is actually God. Society believes God may not be a person but is a presence that surrounds us. Then there are people who believe God is a person. The universe surrounds us, so to me the universe is God. God did in fact create our beautiful, awestruck planet. I believe he did create our galaxy and all the other galaxies that surround us. Here is another question, who or which came first, God or the *Big Bang*? It is like the chicken or the egg theory. The egg represents the Big Bang and the chicken represents God. (For the record, I don't think God is a chicken.) I feel the *Big Bang* was initiated first and at that same moment, God was born. Once something is born it then starts to grow and keeps on growing until its reaches its full capacity. In a sense, I guess God created himself. The universe is actually God's soul. He doesn't need a physical body like what we have. He went right to the heart and soul of the situation.

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