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Saturday, December 31, 2011


According to Hindu mythologyKalki or thetenth 'Avatar' of Vishnu, is the last of his forms. After this Lord Shiva will bring about destruction in the form of floods, earthquakes, huge waves in the oceans and disintegration of mountains.

In Hinduism, the universe was created during the 'Satya Yuga' and will be destroyed in the 'Kali Yug'. There are four yugas or eras in all. The Sat Yuga, the Treta Yug, the Dwapar Yug and the Kali Yug. And the cycle is repeated again.

The Sat Yuga lasts for a period of 1,728,000 years, followed by Treta, which lasts for 1,296,000n years. Then comes Dwapar Yug which lasts for 864,000 and finally Kali yug for 432,000 years. Kali yug began in 3102 B.C. People who are staunch supporters of the Scientific Theory and who feel that 2012 is going to be the end of the world. They quote the 'Puranas' or ancient chronicles, saying that Lord Krishnahad predicted the end of the Kali yug after 5000 years. This coincides with 2012, although traditional scriptures stick to 432,000 years. But the belief that Kali Yug will end with total annihilation is accepted by all.

All Hindus believe that we live in the Kali yug, or the dark ages and each successive period has brought about the deterioration of mankind in values, lifestyle, principles, morality and character. Today hypocrisy and quarrelsomeness are the virtues of the day.

But as the Hindu conceptions of life and death, or time are cyclical in nature, it is certain that the cycle of growth, decay, death and birth will always continue.
Some of the Doomsday signs according to Hinduism
According to Veera Brahman, a Hindu mystic who wrote the 'Kaala Jnaana', after Lord Krishna Passes away, Kali Yug will begin and evil will prevail. He further adds that:
  • A huge comet coming from the South will kill many people.
  • Male cows and goats will have mammary glands and people will milk them.
  • Tigers will become extinct.
  • The Sun will look like a green human being.
  • Other countries will bring prosperity and be the source of wealth for the Indians.
  • The moon will be visible on a new moon day.
  • Stones will be hurled all over inabundance killing people.
  • The stones will rot and bleed, and blood will come down as rain.
According to' Brahm-Vaivarta Purana' texts on Hindu philosophy, Lord Krishna tells GangaDevi that there will be a golden age in Kali Yuga which will commence after 5,000 years of its commencement which will then last for a period of 10,000 years. A surprising co-incidence as the Mayan calendar also mentions approximately the same dates although they never interacted.

Even the second law of dynamics supports the fact that everything eventually goes from order to disorder and finally comes to an end. It can be our body, our house, species of birds, animals and plants, earth's magnetic field or the Shrinking sun. This eventually means end of our World that we live in or doomsday.



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