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Thursday, May 19, 2011

UFO Gravitation, Do They Use Earth's Natural Elements As Well As Earth's Electromagnetic Forces To Travel?

Lazar's theories focus on a material way of UFO travel, that is the far superior technology this ships have. But why are UFO's often seen over places of great spirituality for some indigenous tribes of North America and the Caribbean. Scientists have recently discovered that some ritual sites of indians and aborigenes contain a superior level of electromagnetism on the mineral's the earth of this sites posses. Is it possible that this ships harness the power of Earth's gravitational pull as well as the minerals on Earth to move from one place to another and so fort, withouth the need of generators or special engines? Here are some points that sustain my theory:

UFO's have been seen by eyewitnesses travelling over the ritual sites of indians and ancient tribes.
The ground on this sites is mainly composed of electric conducting metals, such as: Gold, Aluminium, Iron, and so forth.
Lazar described that some of the parts on the ships he studied were made of gold, a mineral found on earth.
UFO hotspots have often been the sites of gold rushes and so on.
It is possible that this ships have a way of converting earth's electromagnetic fields and charging the atmosphere with ions that could allow them to "glide" through the atmosphere, much like setting two opposite poles of a magnet together. It has been generally been seen on the projected paths of these ships, how they pass over ritual sites, and places of strong electromagnetic energy. Will we someday have the power to harness the power of earth's electromagnetic fields to travel safely? Or is harnessing this power dangerous to human health? The questions are open to anyone wanting to answer them.

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