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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Spirituality vs. Religion

Spirituality says that god is within us and that we don't need anyone else to make that divine connection for us.

Religion says that we are separated from god and that we need "them" to make that divine connection.

Spirituality says that we are free to make choices on our own and that we must take personal responsibility for our actions.

Religion says we must make their choices and act their way.

The theme of spirituality is unconditional love.

The theme of religion is fear and guilt.

Spirituality does not require us to make donations.

Religion has become big business.

Spirituality says there is no hell, no judgement, no angry god... That we are loved unconditionally.

Religion says there is a hell, god gets angry and judges us... Therefore, we are not loved unconditionally.

Spirituality says we are free to choose our own path to god.

Religion commands us to do it their way.

Spirituality says we go to god to lighten our burden.

Religion has taught us to fear their god.

Spirituality says we should not be ashamed of our sexuality... That it should be a sacred celebration of love.

Religion has taught us to feel ashamed, guilty and dirty about our sexuality.

Spirituality teaches us to honor and respect mother earth.

Religion has told us to "be thou fruitful, multiply and subdue the earth" I repeat... "Subdue the earth.

Spirituality reminds us that we are one with god and one with each other.

Religion teaches disunity and separation which is the opposite of god.

Spirituality says god is within.

Religion says he is in heaven and that "they" are the only intermediaries for you.

Spirituality says we are born in innocence and purity.

Religion says we are born with sin.

Spirituality teaches that we are on a long spiritual adventure and journey which will ultimately end by reuniting with our source.

Religion says we've got one life to get it all right and there is nothing but heaven or hell after that

Spirituality says we are free to express.

Religion gave us the dreaded inquisition.

Spirituality teaches unconditional love for all.

Religion gave us the crusades in which many were killed and slaughtered in the name of god.

Spirituality teaches that we should love one another unconditionally and always honor the rights and choices of others.

Religion treated native Americans, the Mayans and other indigenous cultures as savage primitives who "must be saved".

Spirituality teaches peace and harmony.

Religion has caused more wars and more killing than any other reason.

Spirituality says respect all living things.

I never once heard any religion say stop slaughtering millions of trees every year for Christ's birthday.

Spirituality teaches us to have faith in ourselves.

Religion teaches us to have faith in them.

Spirituality says we have all the answers... That we can find them by "going within."

Religion teaches us that it has all the answers and only its answers are the right ones.

Spirituality teaches us to search for the universal truths and our hearts will tell us when we have found them.

Religion teaches we have no choice but to accept their version of the truth.

Which one feels better to you? Spirituality or religion?

Go to your heart for the answer, it will never lie to you.

1 comment:

  1. its nothing bt spirituality. but people r being much concerned vth religionism.


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