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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Alien Invasion: How it Will Happen? Truth or Science Fiction?

Our destruction by a ruthless alien invasion, nd rumors by mass media, denoting September 29th as the date of an alien invasion. I had also watched a 'documentary' on Belgium and all the sightings they were having of UFO's that looked not too different from our own flying stealth planes - apart from their much greater speed and silent running.
how this alien invasion would come?. Initially i think it would be like our normal wars. We would 'see' our enemy. Given they have interplanetary space flight, their weapons would have to be at least 50 years more advanced than ours (NASA will have nuclear powered spacecraft by the end of this decade). By setting up satellites several times the distance of the earth from the moon, the aliens would be able to target us while we slept in bed. Within one rotation of the earth, the vast majority of us would be killed in our sleep. The problem with this scenerio, as with most hollywood scenerios, is it's extraordinarily intensive in action, high in energy expenditure and it has an obvious alien invasion at hand, that can be identified as being out there.
Consider how paranoid the super powers of this Earth are now, with the idea that someone or group on our own planet might engage in biological warfare. Iraq was wiped out for the thought that they may possess biological (virus/bacteria) weapons. The government of Great Brittain, only a few days ago, decided to spend millions of pounds to notify all of its inhabitants in writing, to begin stockpiling water and canned food, because the threat of a biological attack by a terrorist group had become so real.
No need for big booming guns and tactical assault planes and home made or stolen nuclear bombs. Now we are to be killed by alien invaders with bacteria and viruses that they throw into the air or drop into our water.
So, given how cheap and effective the biological weapons are, how the terrorists can remain faceless and even be inocculated against these terrible things, laughing at their enemy while they die all around them, it stands to reason that an alien invasion would follow the same path. After all, why would the alien invaders risk losing their own soldiers in a battle they don't even have to fight? Consider the Iraqi war, a small number of Iraqi soldiers were positioned in a small building, rather than risk their own soldiers in flushing them out, the Americans just called in the artillery to wipe the Iraqi position out. So we should expect no different from the alien invaders.
Let us assume that the alien biological weapon has been carefully tailored by it's hard hearted creators to attack us humans. Let us further assume that their weapon has at least a 99% kill rate. So, out of every 100 humans, only one will be left alive. A city of 5 million souls becomes a city of 50,000 with 4,950,000 bodies.
What then awaits that 50,000?
At this time there is no indication to mankind that their is anything out there perpetrating this murderous rampage. We put it down to terrorists or a natural outbreak. So there is no sense of a common enemy to be fought to rally the remaining humans.
The first thoughts involve survival. A supermarket's dairy, meat, deli and fresh foods wont last more than a week or two before the food goes off. So after two weeks your left with the frozen food, dry foods and canned foods. If the electricity shuts down, for example, the coal burning generators run out of coal, which presumably wouldn't take long, perhaps a day at most, then the frozen food section goes down, leaving only canned and dry foods. Also, when the electricity fails, the water pumps stop pumping water through the city, so bottled water becomes the only safe water source - given that 80 people would consume about 160 litres of drinking water a day, that supermarket is going to run out very, very fast. Dry within a few days. (Why 80 people? Well, I live in a town of about 24,000 people. We have three large supermarkets. One percent of 24,000 is 240. 240/3 is 80.)
If electricity is maintained for a few more days or weeks, for example through hydro electricity, the water still becomes unsafe, as the chemicals added to the water to make it safe runs out, letting contaminated water run through the pipes. Why contaminated? That's why they use the chlorine now. Water has never been a safe drink - people drinking water have died from water born viruses and bacteria for at least the past few hundred years - I don't see when it would have ever been different.
So, safe drinking water ends with the last bottle of bottled water.
Now, after two weeks the stench and disease from the rotting 4,950,000 bodies would be pretty obvious. With 99 bodies to every 1 person living, burning them is highly unlikley because of the risk from handling the dead and the risk of the fire spreading. Besides, when you're focused on survival, who has time to spend so much time gathering their 'share' of the dead and burying them? Rat and cockroach numbers would be flourishing. Most people alive would likely be trying to leave the cities to find more food and avoid the stench and impending plagues. A few would likely try to survive in the inner city, away from the suburbs and the corpses, not realising the vermon will enter the inner city looking for food as the meat is devoured, bringing with them plagues of different illnesses.
I suspect the city would be devoid of all human life within a few short months.
This scenario assumes a rapid kill rate, but as the aliens are intelligent, they will likely use a slower acting virus, one that kills in about two to three weeks. That way, the living will be focused on saving their loved ones, feeding their loved ones...that way, even more of those who survive the biological alien assault will be much less likely to survive themselves, as they have used up basically all the food and water in the city before their loved ones have even died. Human attachment to each other would be perfect for using against us by aliens. With so many dying, there would be no one to power/repair the generators, bring new food in...Petrol pumps stop working when the generators go down as well, so it becomes longer and harder to extract it - manually of course. Also, the petrol suplies are not being replenished over the period when everyone is focused on keeping their kin alive.
Most people escaping, being so unfamiliar with survival, would then perish in the countryside. Food takes months to grow, few would know what to eat off the land. The large grain fed cattle stations would be void of life, as the cattle would die of starvation from not being fed.
Is anywhere safe? No. The aliens would deposit the virus in a multitude of locations to wipe us out. How would the aliens deploy the virus? To avoid detection they might use transporter technology. Our scientists are already able to transport very tiny particles, such as that found in light, using transporter technology (you know, like the Star Trek beam me up thingy). So, add another fifty years to our technology, transporting a virus that way should be feasible. So it would be feasible to the invading aliens now. Even if transporter technology is still not that efficent in fifty years in our technology, low flying stealth probes, which we could not detect, could easily disperse the virus quickly and effiently throughout our atmosphere and or water ways - but air would be the easiest to contaminate and something we do all breathe after all.
Now these aliens are smarter than this yet again, rather than just use one virus with 99+% kill rate, the aliens add another virus which then kills another 99+%. So the 50,000 who survived one virus is then reduced to 500. Add another virus and you bring that 500 down to five. Australia is reduced to a population of around 15 to 20 souls - extinction time for the human species. To be on the safe side, the alien invaders add a fourth virus to their cocktail, which presumably kills just about all of us off around the world, not quite all of us, but so close to all of us that it doesn't really matter.
The advantage of the multiple cocktail approach is that it assures virtual extinction in a short period of time and makes it much harder for any scientest to work out exactly what they are trying to fight within the two to three weeks they are left to live in. The alien invasion is achieved then in a matter of weeks.
Why would this slightly more technologically advanced alien specie want to wipe us out? Invariably it's to increase their own wealth and or power. Contrary to popular belief, it is now realised in scientific circles that oil is a renewable resource. It is created through an interaction that happens to carbon as it is moved up through the mantle:
"The theory is simple: Crude oil forms as a natural inorganic process which occurs between the mantle and the crust, somewhere between 5 and 20 miles deep. The proposed mechanism is as follows:
Methane (CH4) is a common molecule found in quantity throughout our solar system - huge concentrations exist at great depth in the Earth.
At the mantle-crust interface, roughly 20,000 feet beneath the surface, rapidly rising streams of compressed methane-based gasses hit pockets of high temperature causing the condensation of heavier hydrocarbons. The product of this condensation is commonly known as crude oil.
Some compressed methane-based gasses migrate into pockets and reservoirs we extract as "natural gas."
Our core is molten, super heated - hot! Many other planets wont generate oil, or only very little, because their planets core has cooled too much - ours will eventually cool down too. So oil for the aliens may be a big issue, particularly if the alien planet has poor alternate energy sources - remember they are only perhaps 50+ years more advanced than us. The aliens may want our water, trees, perhaps even use our planet for tourist reasons - the last remaining humans could be rounded up and put in zoos or stuffed and sent to museums.
Fiction? Didn't Hitler try doing that to the Jews - take their wealth and wipe them out. Are we really any different? Has man's biological makeup evolved so much in 60 years? Has our genetics changed at all? So why should we think the Aliens would be any different to us.
To make a better world, make yourself a better person.


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