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Thursday, May 19, 2011

KIROAN-Peter J. Rosado's Theories(unknown person)

Ever since i was little i have been involved with alien stuff, since the apparent abduction of my parents and my own believed my hunger has grown for all things paranormal... now, i have concocted a theory:

The Greys, there are many types of gray aliens, there are those that are involved with our government. These types of grays have a truce lets say with our government, the truce is that they need an enzime that comes from the blood of humans and animals to fend off an illness that they posess. The illness is much like hepatitis, the skin turns yellow, hence the alien in the video interview convulsing, that was the sickness.

How do they get the enzime? Cattle Mutilations... They use a vessel, the so called chupacabra, it drains the blood of off animals and brings it to the grays. The first case of human mutilation was but a mistake from this aliens, i believe the government let them know that what they did wasnt right, and so they opted to slay the creatures of poor farmers.

These aliens have given the USA the technology that they have, and other extraterretrial races frown at this (such as the pleidians who believe that no superior race should intervene in evolutions). The USA fears that if revealed other nations would make pacts with these aliens (taking advantage of the illness) and gain the upper hand, so they keep a tight lip.

These aliens are trying to find a way to cure themselves and so they experiment with the animals organs to look for the right enzime and the cure for their illness. Another theory may be that this sickness is highly contagious, and so the government doesnt want a plague (like the government really cares bout us yeah right). All this things i said are not of my invention but a recopilation of data through my life and stitchings of events... thank u

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