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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
are hindu gods aliens?(come to ur own conclusion after reading my theory)-a theory by kiroan
· Einstein's theory of special relativity
· History of Puri Jagannath Temple
From the theories below, I propose that we had contacts with aliens having special powers to change their appearance (can be done now a days with makeup). They (aliens) were politically involved with our lives. After some period we lost communication with them. I believe this explains all our Hindu myths and stories. My justification to this is that, our stories describe only two generation of the gods (so called aliens).
i.e., they discuss only till Shiva, Muruga and Vinayak. Their family was not extended to next generation of Vinayak.
Einstein's theory of special relativity
this theory states that, if u travel at speed equal to speed of light then time you lived will be lesser than others. (It means if you travel for 1 day on that kind of speed, when you reach back you find others become older than you).
Probability of traveling at the speed of light is zero. But, theory will be holding good for some speed nearer to light speed also.
For brief on Space-Time Relation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-time
History of Puri Jagannath Temple
King Indradyumna built a temple extended 60 cubits beneath the earth and rose 120 cubits above the surface. At the top of the temple the king built a Kalasha, or round pinnacle and on top of that a chakra, or disc. He also had the temple decorated with golden ornamentations. Then King Indradyumna, desiring for Lord Brahma to consecrate the temple, traveled to Brahmaloka and spent long time there waiting for Lord Brahma. During that time, (in earth) the temple, which is very near the coast, became covered with sand from the shore.
When King Indradyumna was away (at Brahmaloka), all of king’s relatives and people were dead. And after sometime, first Suradeva and then Galamadhava took over as the kings of that area. It was Galamadhava who raised the temple from within the sands, where it had been buried for a long time. Shortly after the temple was uncovered however, King Indradyumna returned from Lord Brahma's abode. Indradyumna claimed that he had constructed the temple, but Galamadhava put forward the claim that he was its constructor.
In a banyan tree near the temple, however, lived a bhusandi crow that had been living through many ages, constantly singing the name of Lord Rama. From his abode on the branches of that banyan tree, the crow had seen the whole construction of the temple. Therefore, he made it know that actually King Indradyumna had constructed the temple and that in his absence it had been covered by sand. He further said that King Galamadhava had concealed the truth, Lord Brahma then ordered him to reside outside the grounds of the temple, on the western side of the lake called Indradyumna sarovara.
Source: http://www.indiadivine.org/origin-of-lord-jagannatha1.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagannath_temple
My explanation for the above story is with the help of Einstein’s theory:
What happened is, as Indradyumna traveled at space vehicle of some great speed (nearer to light speed) to Brahmaloka. He was at the same age, but time passed in earth. This makes sense, with respect to Einstein's theory. Thus, I would like to say all Hindu mystery stories were referring to an Alien planet (having states Brahmaloka, Vaikuntam or SakthiLok) and aliens as Gods as they were having supreme powers (because of their scientific capabilities).
The rule will be the same for Vishnu also (while he travels towards earth), but just think about it this way. The aliens were having long lives. As we know about the amurtham (vital drink making people death less) which keeps them long live. May be they were just highly advanced in Medicine. Even, that will be possible over here in earth after some scientific and medical advances. I hope our average life period too will be increased for sure.
That’s the reason why in most of the Hindu religion stories, People from earth were not allowed to reach Brahmaloka, Vaikuntam or SakthiLok and told they will reach there after death.
Whereas, there is no historical evidence available for the story of Jagannath Temple, Puri. But, the story has some scientific possibility for its credibility.
was Saqqara bird an ancient plane?
Located roughly 20 miles south of Cairo, it is home to the world-famous step pyramid of King Djoser. Dating back more than 4,000 years, it is the oldest of Egypt’s 97 pyramids. Saqqara is also famous for being one of Egypt’s oldest burial grounds, earning it the nickname “City of the Dead.”
It was here, in 1891, that French archeologists unearthed an ancient tomb containing the burial remains of Pa-di-Imen, an official from the third century BC. Among the various items discovered was a small wooden model of what appeared to be a bird, lying beside a papyrus bearing the inscription: “I want to fly.”
The artifact was later sent to the Cairo Museum, where authorities placed it alongside several other bird figurines. The model sat largely unnoticed, until 1969, when Egyptologist Dr. Kahlil Messiha was examining the bird collection and noticed that there was something very different about the Saqqara bird. It’s interesting because on one hand, clearly, it should look like a bird because it has eyes and has a typical nose of a bird. On the other hand, the wings are clearly not bird wings. To the middle of the rim, you see this wing a bit thicker. In this region, the lift-up is the highest. The whole thing becomes thinner to the, um, end of the wings. And those wings, uh, model down. And this is a very modern aerodynamic design. Then the other point is, birds have no rudders. Because a bird does not need a rudder because of its aerodynamic architecture. And so, there is the idea they are not representing birds, but flying machines, or aircraft. Could the ancient Egyptians have possessed the power of flight?
In 2006, aviation and aerodynamics expert Simon Sanderson built a scale model of the Saqqara bird five times larger than the original to test that possibility.
We’re running at a constant speed, slowly increasing the angle of attack, and then measuring the forces which it’s producing.
That way, we can learn about its flight characteristics. At ten degrees, we’re producing four times weight and lift. So, it actually would be flying now. Test shows the Saqqara bird is a highly developed glider.
And this is the design we use today. During the Sanderson test, it was discovered that the only thing preventing the Saqqara bird from achieving flight was the lack of a rear stabilizing rudder, or elevator, needed to maintain balance. Is it possible that the Saqqara bird ever possessed this critical component? What is missing is something like an elevator, but if you look at this feature here, then we may interpret that something like an elevator was connected here, but was lost during history. Computer models seem to confirm that the Saqqara bird is certainly airworthy. But there is another problem to consider: launching a glider. Modern methods require the use of a towplane that pulls the glider into the air, then
releases it when a proper altitude is reached.
So, how might the ancient Egyptians have launched the Saqqara bird? The scientifics of Egyptology told us that such a bird could be powered off by catapults to fly. And, uh, we had high acceptance by Egyptian scientists.The idea of using a catapult does have a contemporary parallel. Many of today’s glider enthusiasts employ a bungee cord system to launch their sail craft into the air. But if the Saqqara bird is capable of flight, where would ancient Egyptians have acquired such technology?
I think that people in ancient times were visited by beings coming not from this earth, and they gave us culture and scientific technologies to improve our life on earth coming from the primitive to a higher developed culture. If ancient cultures would be able to produce any really flyable machine, they would be far more advanced than we believe today. It changes our viewpointof ancient societies. It’s a fact that our ancestors were more intelligent and had more technological superiority capabilities than our history books give them credit for. You begin to have to ask yourself, “Are we missing part of the story?” And honestly, I think we are. I think there has been a forgotten episode in human history. And, uh, we’re a species with amnesia. We don’t really remember who or what we are. I haven’t been convinced that there is evidence that support an ancient visitation, but there is no reason why not, and I think to shut oneself to that possibility is a mistake, mainly because there is so many anomalies that we can’t explain. Located roughly 20 miles south of Cairo, it is home to the world-famous step pyramid of King Djoser. Dating back more than 4,000 years, it is the oldest of Egypt’s 97 pyramids.
Saqqara is also famous for being one of Egypt’s oldest burial grounds, earning it the nickname “City of the Dead.”
It was here, in 1891, that French archeologists unearthed an ancient tomb containing the burial remains of Pa-di-Imen, an official from the third century BC.
Among the various items discovered was a small wooden model of what appeared to be a bird, lying beside a papyrus bearing the inscription: “I want to fly.”The artifact was later sent to the Cairo Museum, where authorities placed it alongside several other bird figurines.
The model sat largely unnoticed, until 1969, when Egyptologist Dr. Kahlil Messiha was examining the bird collection and noticed that there was something very different about the Saqqarabird. It’s interesting because on one hand, clearly, it should look like a bird because it has eyes and has a typical nose of a bird. On the other hand, the wings are clearly not bird wings. To the middle of the rim, you see this wing a bit thicker.In this region, the lift-up is the highest. The whole thing becomes thinner to the, um, end of the wings.And those wings, uh, model down. And this is a very modernaerodynamic design. Then the other pointis, birds have no rudders. Because a bird does not needa rudder because of its aerodynamic architecture.And so, there is the idea they are not representing birds, but flying machines, or aircraft.Could the ancient Egyptians have possessed the power of flight?In 2006, aviation and aerodynamics expert Simon Sanderson built a scale model of the Saqqara bird five times larger than the original to test that possibility.
We’re running at a constant speed, slowly increasing the angle of attack, and then measuring the forces which it’s producing.That way, we can learn about its flight characteristics. At ten degrees, we’re producing four times weight and lift. So, it actually would be flying now. Test shows the Saqqara bird is a highly developed glider.
And this is the design we usetoday. During the Sanderson test, it was discovered that the only thing preventing the Saqqara bird from achieving flight was the lack of a rear stabilizing rudder, or elevator, needed to maintain balance. Is it possible that the Saqqarabird ever possessed this critical component? What is missing issomething like an elevator, but if you look at this featurehere, then we may interpret that something like an elevator wasconnected here, but was lost during history.
Computer models seem to confirm that the Saqqara bird is certainly airworthy. But there is another problem toconsider: launching a glider. Modern methods require the useof a towplane that pulls the glider into the air, thenreleases it when a proper altitude is reached.So, how might the ancient Egyptians have launched the Saqqara bird?The scientifics of Egyptology told us that such a bird could be powered off by catapults to fly. And, uh, we had high acceptanceby Egyptian scientists.The idea of usinga catapult does have a contemporary parallel. Many of today’s glider enthusiasts employ a bungee cord system to launch theirsail craft into the air. But if the Saqqara bird iscapable of flight, where would ancient Egyptians haveacquired such technology?
I think that people inancient times were visited by beings coming not from thisearth, and they gave us culture and scientifictechnologies to improve our life on earth coming fromthe primitive to a higher developed culture. If ancient cultureswould be able to produce any really flyable machine, theywould be far more advanced than we believe today.It changes our viewpointof ancient societies.It’s a fact that our ancestors were more intelligent and had more technological superiority capabilities than our historybooks give them credit for.
You begin to have to ask yourself, “Are we missing part of the story?” And honestly, I think we are.
I think there has been a forgottenepisode in human history. And, uh, we’re a species withamnesia. We don’t really remember who or what we are. I haven’t been convinced that there is evidence that support an ancientvisitation, but there is no reason why not, and I thinkto shut oneself to that possibility is a mistake,mainly because there is so many anomalies that we can’t explain.
source:ancient aliens blog
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Pyramid Facts Stats and Fuzzy History
Another fact to support this is, if you consider the Sphinx, a lion with a human head and then look at the size of the body, you can see that the body is perfectly proportioned for the head of a lion, not the human head. This human head looks tiny and silly sitting on top of the body. This is because the Sphinx was actually built in 10,500 BC, around the same time as the pyramids, with a real head of a lion. Evidence to support this is that there are signs of water erosion all over the Sphinx. The last time that there was any water nearby, aside from the Nile is around 10,000 BC. Also, the constellation of Leo the Lion (thus closely related to the Sphinx), was in fact rising directly behind the sun in 10,500 BC. Why is it that the great Pyramids of Giza, built in 3,000, are perfect, and still standing as tall as the day they were built? (Aside from the capstone and the polished stones, which were stripped by humans in the building of Cairo) The other Pyramids, which were supposedly built about 500 years later, all have shoddy masonry, and are crumbling down. An example of this is the famous 'bent' pyramid, which started out with the sides being built at one angle, then suddenly shifts in the middle to a shallower angle. This is because the angle at which it was started was much too steep for it to stand when finished. It is because the Egyptian pharaohs saw the great pyramids standing on their land and decided that they wanted pyramids of their own. But they found that it was much harder to do than was expected and ended up building silly looking structures that don't even come close to comparing with the magnitude of elegance emanating from the great pyramids.
If you take the perimeter of the pyramid and divide it by two times the height, you get a number that is exactly equivalent to the number pi (3.14159...) up to the fifteenth digit. The chances of this phenomenon happening by sheer chance is remarkably small. Did the ancient Egyptians know what the number pi was? Not likely, seeing as it was a number not calculated accurately to the fourth digit until the 6th century, and the pyramids calculate it to the fifteenth.
What about the fact that even though the sides of the base of the pyramid are some 757 feet long, it still forms an almost perfect square? Every angle in the base is exactly 90 degrees. In fact, the sides have a difference in length of something like two centimeters, which is an incredibly small amount.
What about the fact that although the Egyptians kept very careful records about everything they ever did; every king they had, every war they fought, and every structure they built, there were no records of them ever having built the pyramids?
What about the fact that the Egyptians had not even invented the wheel yet, but the blocks that they had to carry to build the pyramids weighed about 2 tons each? 4,000 lbs.? What did they do... use cement? In fact, they used so much stone, that if you took all of the stone they used and cut it into 1 foot square blocks, it would extend 2/3 of the way around the earth!!!
If you take the line of longitude that the pyramid lies on and the latitude that the pyramid lies on, 31 degrees north by 31 degrees west (the fact that they are the same number is a coincidence???) they are the two lines that cover the most combined land area in the world. In essence, the pyramid is the center of all of the land mass of the whole earth!!!!
How about the fact that a group of modern scientists attempted to build a pyramid out next to the real one using modern technologies, and after something like 100 days, succeeded in building one about 1/40 of the size of the real one????
Did you know that the height of the pyramid (481 feet) is almost exactly 1/1,000,000,000 of the distance from the earth to the sun (480.6 billion feet)?
What about all of that fungi that was found in King Tutu's chamber? Fungi which has never before been seen on earth? What about the Pharaoh's curse????? You decide, who built the Pyramids?????
SOURCE: http://www.netscientia.com/egypt.html
Monday, August 1, 2011
NASA finds cause of voyager 2's problem and fixed
What a difference a bit makes. NASA engineers believe they have traced the cause of Voyager 2's gibberish to single flip of bit in the spacecraft’s memory.
"A value in a single memory location was changed from a 0 to a 1," said JPL’s Veronia McGregor.
GALLERY: Missions Possible: Top 5 Explorer Spacecraft
Voyager 2 left Earth on Aug. 20, 1977 to explore Jupiter and Saturn. It successfully finished that mission, then flew by Uranus and Neptune before heading into interstellar space.
It is currently traveling through heliopause -- a region of space where the sun's influence ebbs and interstellar forces begin to dominate.
Voyager 2 and its twin, Voyager 1, are both expected to enter interstellar space -- the first human-made objects to do so -- in the next five years.
Earlier this month, engineers suspended Voyager 2's science measurements because of an unexpected problem in its communications stream. A glitch in the flight data system, which formats information for radioing to Earth, was believed to be the problem. Engineers were able to replicate the glitch in a computer lab, showing that a single bit flip was responsible. NASA plans to reset Voyager's memory tomorrow.
The spacecraft is so far away it takes nearly 13 hours for a radio signal from Earth, traveling at the speed of light, to reach it, and another 13 hours to receive a response.
Scientists spot 'alien' invaders in Milky Way
Sat, Feb 27 12:26 PM
Toronto, Feb 27 (IANS) Scientists have spotted 'alien' invaders in Milky Way, comprising as many as a quarter of the star clusters in our galaxy, many more than previously thought, says a new study.
The report also suggests that there may be as many as six dwarf galaxies yet to be discovered within the Milky Way, besides the two that were previously found.
'Some of the stars and star clusters you see when you look into space at night are aliens from another galaxy, just not the green-skinned type you find in a Hollywood movie,' says Terry Bridges, astronomer at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada.
'These 'alien' star clusters (are ones) that have made their way into our galaxy over the last few billion years,' adds Bridges.
Previously, astronomers had suspected that some star clusters, each of which contains between 100,000 and a million stars, were foreign to our galaxy, but it was difficult to identify which ones.
Using mostly Hubble Space Telescope data, Bridges and Duncan Forbes, co-author, from Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, examined old star clusters within the Milky Way galaxy.
From the research they compiled the largest ever high-quality database to record the age and chemical properties of each of these clusters.
'We looked at all the data we could find. The best data are from the Hubble Telescope because it has the best imaging,' Bridges says. 'We looked at the ages and the amounts of heavy elements in these clusters, which can be measured from their stars.'
The researchers' work also suggests that the Milky Way may have swallowed up more dwarf galaxies than was previously thought, said a Queen's varsity release.
They found that many of the foreign clusters originally existed within dwarf galaxies -- 'mini' galaxies of up to 100 million stars that sit within our larger Milky Way.
The study is slated for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
I've been to a spaceship where I met aliens: Russian politician
Thu, May 6 11:44 AM
London, May 6 (IANS) A Russian politician has made the startling claim that he was taken on a spaceship where he met aliens who wore yellow spacesuits.
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the leader of the country's southern region of Kalymkia, has spoken about his having met aliens at a primetime television show.
He said he was taken on a spaceship sent to Earth and met extra-terrestrials wearing yellow spacesuits, The Sun reported Thursday.
Ilyumzhinov told Channel One April 26 that he had spent several hours in the company of aliens, who visited his apartment in Moscow Sep 18, 1997.
He said that he was about to fall asleep when someone called out to him from the balcony. He went out and said he saw the 'half-transparent half tube' spaceship. He went in and met human-like creatures, who gave him a tour of their spaceship.
'I am often asked which language I used to talk to them. Perhaps, it was on a level of the exchange of ideas,' he was quoted as saying.
He said aliens had come to Earth to take samples.
Russian MP Andre Lebedev has sought a probe into the claims and demanded formulation of guidelines on what politicians should do if they are kidnapped by aliens.
Have aliens taken over Voyager 2 spacecraft?
Thu, May 13 12:20 PM
Melbourne, May 13 (ANI): After leaving Earth's surface 33 years ago, the Voyager 2 spacecraft may have been hijacked by aliens, it has been claimed.
Scientists had installed a 12-inch disk containing music and greetings in 55 languages in case intelligent extraterrestrial life ever found it, but the spacecraft is sending signals in an unknown format.
"It seems almost as if someone had reprogrammed or hijacked the probe - thus perhaps we do not yet know the whole truth," The Daily Telegraph quoted alien expert Hartwig Hausdorf as saying.
The spacecraft late last month began sending science data 8.6 billion miles to Earth in a changed format that mission managers could not decode.
Engineers are working to solve the data transmissions and have since instructed Voyager 2 to only transmit data on its own health and status while they work on the problem.
Launched in 1977, Voyager 2 and its twin, Voyager 1, explored the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune and kept on going. Nearly 33 years later, they are the most distant human-made objects.
Voyager 1 is 10.5 billion miles from Earth and in about five years is expected to pass through the heliosphere, a bubble the sun creates around the solar system, and enter interstellar space. Voyager 2 will follow after that.
British X-Files describe secret UFO encounters
The files, published by the National Archives, span decades and contain scores of witness accounts, sketches and classified briefing notes documenting mysterious sightings across Britain.
One Ministry of Defence note refers to a 1999 letter stating that a Royal Air Force plane returning from a mission in Europe during World War Two was "approached by a metallic UFO".
The unidentified author of the letter says his grandfather attended a wartime meeting between Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower during which the two expressed concern over the incident and "decided to keep it secret".
The MoD subsequently investigated the case but found no written record of the incident, the files say.
"... the MoD does not have any expertise or role in respect of 'UFO/flying saucer' matters or to the question of the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial lifeforms, about which it remains totally open-minded," it said in a 1999 note.
Britain has been slowly releasing long-classified files related to sightings of mysterious craft in the skies above its cities, compiled and investigated by the MoD over past decades.
Some cases subsequently received rational explanations, such as meteors burning up in the atmosphere, but many are unsolved.
One memo, dated 1997, contains reports of "sonic booms" and a mysterious plane crash in northern England. No wreckage was found in an ensuing search by the police and rescue teams.
Another incident refers to sightings of a "black triangular UFO" over the home of the shadow home secretary in Kent in the late 1990s. An investigation showed no breach of security.
In a case filed in 1995, the captain of a plane approaching Manchester airport reported a near-miss with an "unidentified object", and a witness on the ground separately provided a sketch showing a UFO "20 times the size of a football field".
An inquiry failed to indentify the object, the memo said.
Buried deep among meticulous sketches and MoD memos, some files refer to curious episodes in Britain's history. During the Cold War, Britain sent fighter jets to intercept Soviet aircraft as often as 200 times a year, one MoD document showed.
The note, filed in 1996, said mystery sightings picked up on radar during the Cold War were invariably proved to be Soviet ant-submarine or long-range reconnaissance planes.
"Prior to the demise of the Former Soviet Union, aircraft were scrambled some 200 times annually to intercept and investigate uncorrelated tracks penetrating the UK Air defence region (AKADR) from the north..." it said.
The last such scramble was in September 1991 -- around the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
WikiLeaks: new diplomatic cables contain UFO details, says Julian Assange
Wednesday December 08 2010
New leaked diplomatic cables set to be published by Wikileaks will contain fresh details on UFOs, according to the website's founder Julian Assange.
The 39 year-old Australian, who is wanted by Interpol over a charge of rape and sexual assault in Sweden, said there were some references to extraterrestrial life in yet-to-be-published confidential files obtained from the American government.
He did not disclose what information was contained in the diplomatic memos obtained by the whistleblowing website. It also remains unclear when they will be published.
Mr Assange said his website, under considerable strain in recent days over its "Cablegate" series of leaks, received emails from “weirdos” claiming to have seen UFOs.
“Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant,” he wrote when asked if any of the documents he had received referred to extraterrestrial life.
“However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.
1) that the documents not be self-authored;
2) that they be original."
“It is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.”
Some websites later speculated that the cables could offer answers to claims from US military pilots that aliens have landed, infiltrated British nuclear missile sites and deactivated the weapons.
Mr Assange’s comments were made during a webchat with The Guardian, during which he confirmed his team were taking security precautions due to "threats against our lives".
Mr Assange is under intense scrutiny worldwide after his website began releasing a selection of more than 250,000 classified US diplomatic cables passed to the whistle-blowing website.
Sarah Palin, the former Republican vice-presidential candidate, has called for him to be hunted down like the al-Qaeda leadership while other members of her party have directly called for a capital sentence against WikiLeaks personnel.
"The threats against our lives are a matter of public record. However, we are taking the appropriate precautions to the degree that we are able when dealing with a super power," Assange wrote in response to a reader's question.
A Canadian pundit called earlier this week for him to be assassinated for leaking US diplomatic cables, while former Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said those responsible for the leaks should face execution.
The Swedish authorities are also seeking Mr Assange over a charge of rape and sexual assault. Interpol has issued an international warrant for his arrest.
British police requested more information about the penalties Mr Assange could face if convicted, according to a statement on the Swedish Prosecution Authority's website.
It is understood that this has now been provided, although the Metropolitan Police refused to discuss whether officers from its extradition unit were preparing to arrest Mr Assange.
Mr Assange's UK lawyer said that neither the British nor the Swedish authorities had sought to speak to his client.
- Andrew Hough
Top Most Important UFO Incidents in History
what took place in July of 1947 some fifty miles north of the New Mexico city of Roswell when an unassuming farmer named Matt Brazell discovered a debris field strewn with tiny metallic strips and wooden sticks near his farm. Having heard about “flying disks” in the papers (the Arnold sighting having made national headlines two months earlier), Matt wondered if he hadn’t stumbled across his very own crashed flying saucer and immediately contacted local military authorities. Curiously, at first they agreed with the farmer’s assessment and declared that a “crashed disk” had been recovered, only to recant hours later and claim the debris was part of a crashed weather balloon all along. That seemed to put an end the story and it was quickly relegated to the dustbin of UFO folklore until the late seventies when the Army Air Force intelligence officer who had been sent to pick the stuff up (which he stuffed into the trunk of his car)—one Jesse Marcel—claimed the material he recovered was extraterrestrial after all, creating a conspiracy theory of epic proportions that refuses to die to this day. So ingrained in the popular culture did the Roswell “crash” eventually become, that even when the Air Force came clean in 1995 by declassifying its up-to-then top secret Mogul project and admitting they had made the whole crash disk part up in an attempt to divert attention from Mogul’s true mission (high altitude balloons carrying long arrays of instruments designed to detect evidence of Soviet atomic blasts in the upper atmosphere), most ufologists refused to accept it. Since then, the story has diverged from its original account of a single debris field into stories of multiple crashes, loads of dead aliens, and charges that the technology recovered from it and a half dozen other crashes since (apparently UFOs crash with some regularity) is behind most of the great
Scientists from Human Genome Project - Junk DNA possible ET origin?
The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from molds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader. Non-coding sequences, also known as "junk DNA", were discovered years ago, and their function remains mystery.
Unlike normal genes, which carry the information that intracellular machinery uses to synthesize proteins, enzymes and other chemicals produced by our bodies, non-coding sequences are never used for any purpose. They are never expressed, meaning that the information they carry is never read, no substance is synthesized and they have no function at all. We exist on only 3% of our DNA.
The junk genes merely enjoy the ride with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation. What are they? How come these idle genes are in our genome? Those were the question many scientists posed and failed to answer - until the breakthrough discovery by Prof. Sam Chang and his group.
Trying to understand the origins and meaning of junk DNA Prof. Chang realized that he first needs a definition of "junk". Is junk DNA really junk, (useless and meaningless) or it contains some information not claimed by the rest of DNA for whatever reason? He once mentioned the question to an acquaintance, Dr. Lipshutz, a young theoretical physicist turned Wall Street derivative securities specialist. "Easy," replied Lipshutz. "We’ll run your sequence through the software I use to analyze market data, and it will show if your sequences are total garbage, "white noise", or there is a message in there." This new breed of analysts with strong background in math, physics and statistics are getting more and more popular with Wall Street firms. They sift through gigabytes of market statistics, trying to uncover useful correlation between the various market indexes, and individual stocks.
Working evenings and weekends, Lipshutz managed to show that non-coding sequences are not all junk, they carry information. Combining massive database of the Human Genome Project with thousands of data files developed by geneticists all over the world Lipshutz calculated Kolmogorov entropy of the non-coding sequences and compared it with the entropy of regular, active genes. Kolmogorov entropy, introduced by the famous Russian mathematician half a century ago, was successfully used to quantify the level of randomness in various sequences, from time sequences of noise in radio lamps to sequences of letters in 19th century Russian poetry. By and large, the technique allows researchers to quantitatively compare various sequences and conclude which one carries more information than the other does. "To my surprise, the entropy of coding and non-coding DNA sequences was not that different", continues Lipshutz. "There was noise in both but it was no junk at all. If the market data were that orderly, I would have already retired."
After a year of cooperation with Lipshutz, Chang was convinced, there is a hidden information in junk DNA. However, how could one understand its meaning if the information is never used? With active sequences you try to watch the cell and see what proteins are being made using the information. This wouldn’t work with dormant genes. There will be experiment to test a hypothesis; one should rely on the power of his thought. Since there are letters, it should be tested in some old languages, perhaps Sumerian, Egyptian, Hebrew, and so on. Prof. Sam Chang solicited help from three specialists in the field, but none of them managed to find a solution. There were no cultural clues, no references to other known languages, the field was too alien for the linguists.
"I asked myself: who else can decipher a hidden message?" Chang continues. "Of course, cryptographers! In addition, I began talking with researchers at the National Security Agency. It took me few months to make them return my calls. Were they running background checks on me? Alternatively, were they too busy lobbying senators on retaining and strengthening their authority to control exports of encryption technologies? Eventually, a junior fellow was assigned to answer my questions. He listened, requested my questions in writing and after another, few months turned me down. His message was polite but meant, "Go to hell with your crazy ideas. We are a serious agency, its National Security, dude. We are too busy."
Well, Sam, forget the Government, talk to the private sector. Therefore, I began approaching computer security consultants. They were genuinely interested, and a couple of them even began working on my project, but their enthusiasm always faded after a month. I kept calling them until one nice fellow told me: "I’d love to work on your project if I had more time. I am overbooked. Emissaries of major banks and Fortune 500 companies are begging me to plumb the holes in their networks. They pay me $500 an hour. I can give you an educational discount, can you afford $350?" Scrambling $15/hr for a post doctoral studies is a big deal in academia, $350 sounded as something extraorbital." Eventually Prof. Chang was referred to Dr. Adnan Mussaelian, a talented cryptographer in the former Soviet republic of Armenia. Poor fellow barely survived on a $15 a month salary and occasional fees for tutoring children of Armenian nuveau riches. A $10,000 research grant was a struck of luck, he began working like a beaver.
Adnan promptly confirmed the findings of his Wall Street predecessor: The entropy indicated tons of information almost in the clear, it was not too strong cryptographic system, it didn’t appear to be a tough problem. Adnan began applying differential cryptoanalysis and similar standard cryptographic techniques.
He was two months in the project when he noticed that all non-coding sequences are usually preceded by one short DNA sequence. A very similar sequence usually followed the junk. These segments, known to biologists as alu sequences, were all over the whole human genome. Being non-coding, junk sequences themselves, alu are one of the most common genes of all.
Trained as a cryptographer and computer programmer, and having no knowledge of microbiology, Adnan approached the genetic code as of computer code. Dealing with 0, 1, 2, 3 (four bases of genetic code) instead of 0s and 1s of the binary code was a sort of nuisance, but the computer code was what he was analyzing and deciphering all his life. He was on familiar territory. The most common symbol in the code that causes no action followed by a chunk of dormant code. What is that? Just playing with the analogy Adnan grabbed the source code of one his programs and fed it into the program that calculates the statistics of symbols and short sequences, a tool often used in decoding messages. What was the most common symbol? Of course, it was "/", a symbol of comment! He took a Pascal code, and it were { and } ! Of course, the code between two slashes in C is never executed, and is never meant to be executed; it is not the code, it is the comment to the code!
Being unable to resist the temptation to further play with the analogy, Adnan began comparing statistical distributions of the comments in computer and genetic code. There must be a striking difference. This should show up in statistics. Nevertheless, statistically, junk DNA was not much different from active, coding sequences. To be sure, Adnan fed a program into the analyzer: surprisingly, the statistics of code and comments were almost the same. He looked into the source code and realized why: there were very few comments in between the slashes, it was mostly C code the author decided to exclude from execution, a common practice among programmers.
Adnan, religiously inclined person, was thinking about the divine hand - but after analyzing the spaghetti code inside the sequences he convinced himself that whoever wrote the small code was not God. Who wrote the active, small coding part of human genetic code was not very well organized, he was a rather sloppy programmer. It looked like rather somebody from Microsoft, but at the time human genetic code was written, there was no Microsoft on Earth.
On Earth? It was like a lightning... Was the genetic code for all life on Earth written by an extraterrestrial programmer and then somehow deposited here, for execution? The idea was mad and frightening, and Adnan resisted it for days. Then he decided to proceed. If the non-coding sequences are parts of the program that were rejected or abandoned by the author, there is a way to make them work. The only thing one needs to do is to remove the symbols of comments and if the portion between the /*......*/ symbols is a meaningful routine it may compile and execute! Following this line of thought, Adnan selected only those non-coding sequences that had exactly the same frequency distribution of symbols as the active genes. This procedure excluded the comments in Marcian or Q, whatever it was. He selected some 200 non-coding sequences that most closely resembled real genes, stripped them of /*, //, and similar stuff and after few days of hesitation sent e-mail to his American boss, asking him to find a way to put them in E-coli or whatever host and make them work.
Chang did not replied for two weeks. "I thought I was fired", confessed Dr. Mussaelian. "With every day of his silence I more and more realized how crazy my idea was. Chang would conclude I was a schizophrenic and would terminate the contract. Chang finally responded and, to my surprise, he did not fire me. He had not bought my extraterrestrial theory but agreed to try to make my sequences work."
Biologists have attempted for years to make junk sequences express, without much success. Sometimes nothing turned out; sometimes it was junk again. It was not surprising. Grab an arbitrary portion of the excluded computer code and try to compile it. Most likely, it will fail. At best, it will produce bizarre results. Analyze the code carefully, fish out a whole function from the comments, and you may make it work. Because of careful Mussaelian’s statistical analysis 4 of the 200 sequences he selected, began working, producing tiny amounts of a chemical compounds.
"I was anxiously awaiting the response from Chang," says Dr. Mussaelian. "Would it be a more or less normal protein or something out of ordinary? The answer was shocking: it was a substance, known to be produced by several types of leukemia in men and animals. Surprisingly, three other sequences also produced cancer-related chemicals. It no longer looked like a coincidence. When one awakens a viable dormant gene, it produces cancer-related proteins. Researchers began searching Human Genome Project databases for the four genes they isolated from junk DNA. Eventually, three of the four were found there, listed as active, non-junk genes. This was not a big surprise: since cancer tissues produce the protein, there must be somewhere a gene, which codes it! The surprise came later: In the active, non-junk portion of the code the gene in question (the researchers called it "jhlg1", for junk human leukemia gene) was not preceded by the alu sequence, i.e. the /* symbol was missing. However, the closing */ symbol at the end of "jhlg1" was there. This explained why "jhlg1" was not expressed in the depth of the junk DNA but worked fine in the normal, active part of the genome. The one who wrote the basic genetic code for humans excluded portion of the big code by embracing them in /*... */ but missed some of the opening /* symbol. His compiler seems to be garbage, too: a good compiler, even from terrestrial Microsoft, would most likely refuse to compile such program at all.
Prof. Sam Chang with his students began searching for genes associated with various cancers, and almost in all instances they discovered that those genes are followed by the alu sequence (i.e. protein as a comment closing symbol */), but never preceded by the comment opening /* gene! "This explains why diseases result in cell damage and their death, whereas cancers lead to cell reproduction and growth. Because only few fragments from the big code are expressed, they never lead to coherent growth. What we get with cancer, is expression of only few of genes alien to humans and symbiosis with some genes of bacterial parasites that lead to illogical, bizarre and apparently meaningless chunks of living cells. The chunks have its own veins, arteries, and its own immune system that vigorously resists all our anti-cancer drugs.
"Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them. Perhaps, after programming, our creators grow us the same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes. We can’t know their motives - whether it was a scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or is it long time ongoing business of seedling life in the universe. If we think about it in our human terms, the extraterrestrial programmers were most probably working on one big code consisting of several projects, and the projects should have produced various life forms for various planets. They have been also trying various solutions. They wrote the big code, executed it, did not like some function, changed them or added new one, executed again, made more improvements, tried again and again. Of course, soon or later it was behind schedule. Few deadlines have already passed. Then the management began pressing for an immediate release. The programmers were ordered to cut all their idealistic plans for the future and concentrate now on one (Earth) project to meet the pressing deadline. Very likely in a rush, the programmers cut down drastically the big code and delivered basic program intended for Earth. However, at that time they were (perhaps) not quite certain which functions of the big code may be needed later and which not, so they kept them all there. Instead of cleaning the basic program by deleting all the lines of the big code, they converted them into comments, and in the rush they missed few /* symbols in the comments here or there; thus presenting mankind with illogical growth of mass of cells we know as cancer."
There are three options to the problem. Either delete all the /* symbols and comments and clean this way the basic code, or add all the missing */ and avoid illogical mixing of the basic code with the big code. Alternatively, in the third option, remove all the / symbols and let work the basic code with the big code as a complete program. Unfortunately, none of these options are within our capacity. If we were able to efficiently insert genes into the chromosomes of living men, our breakthrough discovery would mean instant cure for all future cancer cases; at least from the programmer point of view. Theoretically, we can do it in a laboratory, but we have no practical means to implant the repaired DNA into living subjects. The mystery of "junk DNA" and cancer seems to be solved, but no quick cure shall be expected. The best thing we can do now is to try nourishing new, cancer-free line of humans with gradually debugged basic genetic code. That will take a long time. For us and our children, there is no hope on the horizon.
"However, from the programmer’s point of view, there is also positive outlook in it. What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a big code and basic code. First fact is, the complete program was positively not written on Earth; that is now a verified fact. The second fact is, that genes by themselves are not enough to explain evolution; there must be something more in the game. What it is or where it is, we don’t kow. The third fact is, no creator of a new work, be it a composer, engineer or programmer, from Mars or Microsoft, will ever leave his work without the option for improvement or upgrade. Ingenious here is, that the upgrade is already enclosed - the "junk DNA" is nothing more than hidden and dormant upgrade of our basic code! We know for some time that certain cosmic rays have power to modify DNA. With this in mind, plausible solution is available. The extraterrestrial programmers may use just one flash of the right energy from somewhere in the Universe to instruct the basic code to remove all the /*…*/ symbols, fuse itself with the big code ("junk DNA") and jumpstart working of our whole DNA. That would change us forever, some of us within months, some of us within generations. The change would be not too much physical, (except no more cancers, diseases and short life), but it will catapult us intellectually. Suddenly, we will be in time comparable to coexistence of Neanderthals with Cromagnons. The old will be replaced giving birth to a new cycle. The complete program is elegant, very clever self-organizing, auto-executing, auto-developing and auto-correcting software for a highly advanced biological computer with build-in connection to the ageless energy and wisdom of the Universe. Software wise, within us is either short and diseased life, or potential for a super-intelligent super-being with a long and healthy life. This triggers puzzling questions - was the reduction to the basic code done by sloppy programmers in a rush (as it appears to us), or was the disabling of the big code purposeful act which can be cancelled by a "remote control" whenever desired?"
Soon or later, we have to come to grips with the unbelievable notion that every life on Earth carries genetic code for his extraterrestrial cousin and that evolution is not what we think it is. This discovery may well shake the very roots of humanity - our beliefs in our concept of God and in our own power over our destiny. With the right paradigm, we may discover one day that all forms of life and the whole Universe is just one huge intellectual exercise in thoughts expressed mathematically, by Design, by Creator
Aliens Exists In Earth
"Aliens are currently all around us and are watching us all the time," said Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
"They are not hostile towards us, rather, they want to help us but we have not grown enough in order to establish direct contact with them," Filipov said.
"The human race was certainly going to have direct contact with the aliens in the next 10 to 15 years" but through the power of thought and not through radiowaves, he said.
Claiming that the the extraterrestrial creatures are currently answering 30 questions posed to them by the scientists, Filipov said work on "deciphering a complex set of symbols" sent to them is under way at the country's Space Research Institute.
The centre's researchers were analysing 150 crop circles from around the world, which they believe answer the questions, 'The Telegraph' reported.
Even the seat of the Catholic church, the Vatican, had agreed that aliens existed.
The publication of the BAS researchers report concerning communicating with aliens comes in the midst of a controversy over the role, feasibility and reform of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Last week it lead to a heated debate between Bulgaria's Finance Minister Simeon Djankov and President Georgi Parvanov.
Aliens have been one of the most sought-after subjects in Hollywood movies with a number of movies have been made on these extra-terrestrial creatures.
Ridley Scott's 1979 film 'Aliens', Steven Spielberg's 1982 blockbuster 'E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial' and 'Alien vs Predator by Paul WS Andersan in 2004 are some of the hit movies based on aliens.
James Cameron's upcoming movie 'Avatar', believed to be the most expensive Hollywood flick ever, is also based on such characters on a far away world who engage in an epic conflict with humans.
UFOs Sighted Near Hindu, Buddhist Holy Site (Gaya, Bihar)
“The plane was just entering the airspace of Gaya, close to Bengal-Bihar border, when I first noticed the glowing object, below the aircraft, hurtling down at a very high speed,” Captain Rishi was quoted as saying by the Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower here at Dum Dum International Airport. The Air India pilot initially didn’t pay much attention as it is customary for the pilots to notice several such things midair. But when the aircraft was close to Varanasi, the object was still brightly visible.
Without wasting time, he informed the Varanasi Air Traffic Control from where ATC, Kolkata, was alerted. The officials at ATC pondered over whether pilots of other international flights that might have crossed the Kolkata-Bihar-Varanasi route, had also observed the glowing object reported by Capt Rishi.
Accordingly, the ATC, Kolkata, beamed asking signals for other international flights that flew the same airspace during the period concerned. To their utter surprise, the air traffic control officials were told by as many as four foreign airlines flight pilots that they had seen the same object and all of them reiterated that it was falling down at a great speed! FinAir of Finland and Novou Air of Sweden were flying from the West to East while a couple of flights of Cathay Pacific and Dynasty Airways of China were moving in the opposite direction at an altitude between 34,000 and 37,000 ft over the airspace supposed to be in the trajectory of the object.
Once the foreign airlines pilots radioed back the ATC tower here, confirming their sighting of the object, ATC engineers immediately got in touch with the Indian Air Force. However, the IAF engineers pointed out that their powerful radar had failed to track or notice any unusual object. “It could be a shooting star or part of a meteor or a metal that had a sudden entry into the earth’s atmosphere as a result of which it turned into a burning object and appeared glowing from a distance,” explained Positional Astronomy Centre director Sanjib Sen.
“There is no denying the fact of its existence as so many pilots having seen it.” But when everyone had seen it falling at a high speed, where and when the object had hit the earth? There is apparently no answer to this question so far.
This entry was posted in Alternate, India and tagged ufo by newspostindia.com.
"why dont the aliens make an official appearance ?"
I will list some reasons why Plejaren have no intention of making Public Appearances:
1 - Majority of the Earth population is enslaved by consciousness enslaving religions, beliefs, dogmas, know-it-all attitudes, ...everything except the pursuit of truth...most of us are only interested in the excitement surrounding the life in universe but not really interested in the implications and meaning underlying it....
2 - Dangers present for both ET's or Earth humanbeings as a result of worldwide official Landing...
3 - Like we on earth have rules and laws..Plejaren have them too and according to them they only make contact with civilizations who have mastered space travel & who must also be spiritually sound...
ex: We dnt feel like showing ourselves to the tribes living in deep remote jungles of Africa or southamerica or india
4 - Our Militaries, armies, secret organizations trying to capture ET ships and technology
And the list can go on...most of it is available in the above link..
Has Black Hole wiped out all alien life?
Scientists have been long baffled how despite years of searching there has been no evidence of life beyond our planet.
Black Hole
But now some astronomers believe the answer may lie in the destructive force of exploding stars - and claim ET (extraterrestrial) may simply have been wiped out.
Hypernovas are essentially massive supernovas, or giant exploding stars, with a mass of between 100 and 300 times that of the sun.
And because this process, when an exceptionally large white dwarf star, a collapsed remnant of an elderly star, becomes unstable and explodes, has occurred several times over millions of years, it is possible that life may have wiped out more than once, the Daily Mail reports.
Scientists also believe there is a possibility that life on earth too could be wiped out by the process of gamma ray bursts.
Intense gamma radiation produces nitrous oxides that could perhaps destroy the ozone layer. They call the lack of evidence of alien life the 'Great Silence'.
Edward Sion from Villanova University in Pennsylvania, US, said it is possible that this could occur 'soon' on the timescales familiar to astronomers, according to a Pennsylvania release.
If the collapsing star has a mass exceeding at least 0.7 suns, the explosion will cause a permanent black hole, a gap in the gallaxy that can swallow up life around it, including alien life.
This is produced by gravitational collapse and is the inward fall of the star's body due to force of the explosion. A hypernova could cause serious harm to the earth. But no known hypergiant is located close enough to our planet to pose a direct threat.
Russian flight controllers claim aliens spoke to them in 'cat-like language'
The object had suddenly burst onto flight monitors over the remote Russian diamond capital of Yakutsk, and it was shown flying at a speed of slightly over 6000 mph, and rapidly changing direction.
The UFO was logged at a height of 64, 895 feet above sea level and appeared to interfere with aviation frequencies.
A YouTube footage showed an air traffic controller trying to make contact with the UFO, while a radar showed the UFO moving rapidly through the skies surrounded by planes that were travelling at a much slower pace.
"I kept hearing some female voice, as if a woman was saying mioaw-mioaw all the time," the Daily Mail quoted the air traffic controller as telling the pilot of a passing Aeroflot flight.
The air traffic control monitor automatically designated the UFO as "00000" because it did not have a flight number.
At one point the UFO is shown moving away from Yakutsk at great speed before turning and heading back towards the city. (ANI)
UFO'S & The Indian connection ??
India was startled by four reports last week which appeared to confirm the
rumors of a large underground base staffed by extraterrestrials in the Ladakh
region of the Himalayas.
In New Delhi, India's capital, a senior officer of the Indian Army told freelance
journalist Subha Jain that aliens were indeed in the Himalayas.
In Bangalore, a recently-retired officer of the Indian Air Force described the
underground base to his youngest son's elementary school class and said aliens
had met with high-ranking officials of India's government.
In Leh, a city in the Ladakh region, a local official confirmed that the Indian Army
had moved armored brigades into the area and was limiting access to civilian
residents and tourists.
In Joshimath, another Ladakh town, workers at an auto repair shop claim they
witnessed a strange broadcast on their Chinese-made miniature black-and-white
television set.
"According to Subha Jain, a freelance reporter in New Delhi, she bumped into a
very senior military official in a nightclub in New Delhi. According to him, the
extraterrestrials have been visiting India and the rest of the world for thousands
of years."
"In recent years, most of the super-powers have been visited. India is no
"'They always make contact through the ground radar stations run by the military,'
she says."
"The Himalayas and Ladakh is where they have made their most recent contact. They want to let Indians know the rules and regulations of the multidimensional universe."
"India is planning an unmanned moon and later an advanced unmanned Mars
expedition. India's Space Research Organisation (SRO) has been given the
galactic do's and don't's."
"Last week, a flight commodore of the Indian Air Force (IAF), who recently
retired, was asked to provide a little talk to his youngest son's class at a school in
"Guess what he picked as a topic? Yes, you got it right. It was the advanced
landing base for UFOs in Ladakh."
"He started by saying new technology is evolving, and new advancements are
being made in Aerospace. The students started questioning him on different
aspects of these new technologies and where this technology came from. At that
moment, he began giving a vivid description of the landing base."
"Surrounded by two of the world's highest mountain ranges, the Himalayas and
the Karakorams, the region lies athwart two others--the Ladakh range and the
Lanskar range. Residents live at altitudes ranging from 2,750 meters (9,000 feet)
at Kargil to 7,672 meters (25,170 feet) at Saser Kangri in the Karakorams. In
summer, temperatures rarely exceed 27 degrees Celsius, while in winter they
plummet to minus 20 degrees Celsius, even in Leh."
"In Leh, Ladakh (region), according to Tsering Spalzang, a senior official,
paranormal activities are happening with regard to the buildup of the Indian
Army" in the region.
"These are zones that the Indian Army and Indian Air Force block for security
reasons. The Ladakh valley has been heavily secured by the Indian government.
It is a 'sensitive area' and no one is allowed to enter from either the Indian side or
the Chinese side."
"According to some in New Delhi, UFOs have made contact with high-ranking
officials of the Indian government. The government was initially baffled, not
knowing how to react. Later, things became quiet, and it seems that everyone
understands that the extraterrestrials are friendly."
Krishnari Bai Dharapurnanda, UFO Roundup correspondent in India, reported, "I
am trying to learn more about a strange incident that occurred in Joshimath. This
is a town some 30 kilometers (18 miles) south of Badrinath, a pilgrimage site
sacred to Hindu rishis (holy men--J.T.). A family was working on an automobile
engine at their repair shop. They had a small, battery-powered Chinese B & W
(black-and-white) television set. Reception is very bad in this mountainous
region. Even with a large antenna, there is quite a lot of static. All at once, the
telly gave out a weird squealing noise. When they looked, they saw onscreen a
crystal clear picture--in color!"
"The screen showed a young Chinese woman wearing a white halter top. She had long, glossy black hair, parted in the middle and with a shelf of bangs just touching her eyebrows. She had almond eyes and prominent cheekbones. She said something in a strange language. Then she paused and spoke again in another language. Then she paused again and spoke in yet another language. She did it one more time, and this time one of the shop workers recognized the fourth language as Uighur."
"Next a Pathan (man from northern Pakistan--J.T.) appeared. He had a rather
fleshy face and a small moustache. He was also dressed very strangely in a kind
of scale-mail armor and a spiked helmet covered with a puggaree (turban). He,
too, spoke in an unknown language. Then he paused and spoke again in Urdu,
which, of course, everyone in the shop understood."
"He said he and the Chinese woman were emissaries of the extraterrestrials. He
said the aliens mean no harm and have placed the Ladakh valley under their
protection. He advised the people to go about with their lives and rest assured
that they would not be troubled in any way by the UFOs. The color image then
vanished, replaced by a screen full of crackling static."
"Our ufologists believe the woman addressed her message to people living north
of the Himalayas, in China, while the Pathan was addressing the mountain
people here in India and in Pakistan. We have only heard of one such incident,
so we do not know if anyone else saw this broadcast. It is all very troubling.
Could this have been a hoax? If the aliens building this base wanted to
communicate with the people of Ladakh, why didn't they themselves appear on
the telly? Why would they use two humans as their emissaries?" (See the
newspaper India Daily for December 19, 2004, "ET contacts with India's
government and military." Many thanks to John Winston, Robert Fischer and
Krishnari Bai Dharapurnanda for these reports.)
The Message given by Extra-Terrestrials
Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed,Lao-Tzu (Taoism),40 prophets in all, were contacted by them to show us wisdom and love of each others until we reach the age of science, where we could understand it all. Jesus resurrection was an advanced form of cloning.
Today we are advanced enough scientifically to finally understand the truth about our origins, without mystification, but rational understanding. In 1973, they encountered a french journalist, which they named Raël (which means messenger of the ELOHIM), and asked him to spread this message around the world and build an embassy to welcome them soon.
The ELOHIM gave us a new Philosophy based on pleasure,happiness,respect and freedom in perfect harmony with the scientific era we are starting ... which with SCIENCE: genetics,cloning, nanotechnology and supercomputers will suppress all work, pollution, give us eternal life and allow us to be creators of life on another planet as well ...