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Saturday, December 31, 2011

THE HINDU THEORY OF WORLD CYCLES In the Light of Modern Science

Traditional Hindu scriptures view history as cyclical in character, with vast repeating series of ages. Each age has its own particular qualities. Interestingly, this system seems to be taken literally by modern Yoga masters such as Swami Muktananda, Baba Hari Dass, Swami Vishnu Tirtha, and so on. As a Western devotee, I found myself wondering exactly what the full system of Hindu cycles is, and how it relates to the findings of modern science. Following is my attempt to explain what I found out.

Traditional Puranic Model

The Hindu Puranas describe a number of cycles within cycles. Discussions of these cycles can become confusing because different cycles are measured in different types of units. For example, the cycles are often described in units of deva years, each of which equals 360 human years.
The following description starts with the smaller cycles and works up to the larger ones. The length of each cycle is given in ordinary human (earth) years, as well other units where appropriate. Large numbers are described using the conventions of American English: thus, a million is a thousand thousand, a billion is a thousand million, a trillion is a thousand billion.
This description is based on numerous sources, which are given in the "References" section at the end of this document.

Maha Yugas

The smallest cycle is called a maha yuga. A maha yuga is 4,320,000 human years. Each maha yuga is subdivided into the following four ages, whose lengths follow a ratio of 4:3:2:1:
Satya Yuga (also called Krita Yuga)
This first age is 1,728,000 human years. Also known as the Golden Age or age of Truth. The qualities of this age are: virtue reigns supreme; human stature is 21 cubits; lifespan is a lakh of years, and death occurs only when willed.
Treta Yuga
This second age is 1,296,000 human years. Also known as the Silver Age. The qualities of this age are: the climate is three quarters virtue and one quarter sin; human stature is 14 cubits; lifespan is 10,000 years.
Dvapara Yuga
This third age is 864,000 human years. Also known as the Bronze Age. The qualities of this age are: the climate is one half virtue and one half sin; lifespan is 1,000 years.
Kali Yuga
The fourth and last age is 432,000 human years. Also known as the Iron Age. This is the age in which we are presently living. The qualities of this age are: the climate is one quarter virtue and three quarters sin; human stature is 3.5 cubits; lifespan is 100 or 120 years.
Toward the end of a Kali Yuga, various calamities cause a good deal of destruction. Baba Hari Dass states that creation disappears at the end of a Maha Yuga and remains in seed form inside Brahma. However, other sources do not suggest anything so drastic; it is possible that Hari Dass was really thinking of the end of Brahma's daytime or Brahma's life when he wrote this description.

Brahma Days (Kalpas)

A kalpa is a single daytime period in the life of Brahma, the creator god. Two kalpas are a day and a night of Brahma.
Each kalpa is composed of 1,000 maha yugas. A kalpa is thus equal to 4.32 billion human years.
At the end of Brahma's daytime period, the Three Worlds (Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, Swarloka) and the seven underworlds (of the nagas) are temporarily dissolved (pralaya); that is, the same folks can be reincarnated when the next day of Brahma begins.
The Vishnu Purana states that at the end of the daytime period of Brahma, a dreadful drought occurs that lasts 100 years, and all the waters are dried up. The sun changes into seven suns, and the three worlds (Bhurloka or Earth, Bhuvarloka or the lowest heaven, and Svarloka or the next higher heaven) and the underworlds are burned bare of life. The inhabitants of Bhuvarloka and Svarkloka flee to the next higher heaven, Maharloka, to escape the heat; and then to the next higher heaven, Janaloka.
Then mighty clouds form and the three worlds are completely flooded with water. The lord Vishnu reposes on the waters in meditative rest for another whole kalpa (4.32 billion years) before renewing the creation.
The destruction that takes place at the end of a daytime of Brahma is referred to as naimittika, which is incidental or occasional. The characteristic of this destruction is that the three worlds continue to exist but are made uninhabitable. The souls of individuals also continue to exist to be reincarnated in the next daytime of Brahma.

Brahma Years

A year of Brahma is composed of 360 day/night cycles of Brahma, or 720 kalpas, or 8.64 billion human years.

Brahma Life

The lifespan of Brahma is 100 Brahma years, or 72,000 kalpas, or 311.04 trillion human years.
At the end of the life of Brahma, all worlds are completely dissolved (mahapralaya). No one is reincarnated from these worlds ever again.


Another cycle that overlaps the others is that of manvantaras. Each kalpa is reigned over by a succession of 14 Manus, and the reign of each Manu is called a manvantara. A single manvantara is approximately 71 maha yugas.
Coomaraswamy states: "Each Manvantara is followed by a Deluge, which destroys the existings continents and swallows up all living beings, except the few who are preserved for the repeopling of the earth."

Our Position in History

We are located in the fifty-first Brahma year of the life of our Brahma.
Within that Brahma year, we are in the first Brahma day, called the Varaha kalpa.
Within that Brahma day, we are in the seventh manvantara, and in the 28th maha yuga of that manvantara. This would place us at about the 454th maha yuga of the 1,000 maha yugas that comprise this day of Brahma.
Within this maha yuga, we are in Kali Yuga. The 5100th year of Kali Yuga will correspond to the year 2,000 A.D. That means that we are fairly early in Kali Yuga and this age will continue more than 426,000 more years.

Variant Interpretations of Hindu Chronology

The "Traditional Puranic Model" described above is agreed upon by most authors on Hinduism and Yoga. Six different authors, listed at the end of this paper, describe this model identically.
However, several other authors, some of them well-known Hindu teachers, have published descriptions of the cycle of ages that differ from the traditional Puranic model. These variant theories are described below.

Sri Yukteswar

In the introduction to his book The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar describes an interesting variant of the Hindu theory of ages. According to him,
...the sun, with its planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual and revolves around it in about 24,000 years of our earth-a celestial phenomenon which causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac. The sun also has another motion by which it revolves round a grand center calledVishnunabhi, which is the seat of the creative power, Brahma, the universal magnetism. Brahma regulatesdharma, the mental virtue of the internal world.
Yukteswar goes on to explain that the sun's 24,000 year revolution around its companion star takes the sun progressively closer, and then progressively further away from the mystic center Vishnunabhi. In his system, dharma increases as we approach Vishnunabhi and decreases as we draw away from it. The cycle of yugas takes place twice in each 24,000 year revolution. As the sun recedes from Vishnunabhi, the ages pass in the usual order: Satya, Treta, Dvapara, Kali. As the sun approaches Vishnunabhi, the ages pass in the opposite order: Kali, Dvapara, Treta, Satya.
The length of the yugas is: Satya Yuga, 4800 years; Treta Yuga, 3600 years; Dwapara Yuga, 2400 years; and Kali Yuga, 1200 years. The yugas during the approach to Vishnunabhi he calls 'ascending' yugas; those during the retreat from Vishnunabhi he calls 'descending' yugas. The most recent ascending Kali Yuga began in 499 A.D. Since 1599 A.D. we have been in the ascending Dwapara Yuga, with consequent advances in human culture and knowledge.
Yukteswar goes on to say that the Hindu almanacs, which correspond to the traditional Puranic model described previously, are in error. The error crept in during the dark years of Kali Yuga when scholars misinterpreted the scriptures. Regarding the conventional view that we are currently in Kali Yuga, Yukteswar says flatly that it is not true.
Yukteswar's model thus differs from the traditional in the following respects:
  • A cycle of four yugas takes 24,000 years instead of 4,320,000.
  • The yugas alternate between ascending and descending trends instead of always proceeding in the same order. This alternation becomes necessary once you posit that the ages result from our changing distance from Vishnunabhi, rather than a deliberate divine intervention at the end of Kali Yuga.
  • The greater cycles like kalpas, manvantars, and lifespan of Brahma go unmentioned.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda was a disciple of Sri Yukteswar and one of the best-known Hindu teachers ever to visit the West. He wrote the perrenial bestseller Autobiography of a Yogi.
In the latter book, Yogananda describes and endorses Yukteswar's theory of world cycles. However, in a footnote, Yogananda adds the following:
The Hindu scriptures place the present world-age as occurring within the Kali Yuga of a much longer universal cycle than the simple 24,000 year ecquinoctial cycle with which Sri Yukteswar was concerned. The universal cycle of the scriptures of 4,300,560,000 years in extent, and measures out a Day of Creation. This vast figure is based on the relationship between the length of the solar year and a multiple of pi (3.1416, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle).
The life span for a whole universe, according to the ancient seers, is 314,159,000,000,000 solar years, or "One Age of Brahma."
The Hindu scriptures declare that an earth such as ours is dissolved for one of two reasons: the inhabitants as a whole become either completely good or completely evil. The world mind thus generates a power that releases the captive atoms held together as an earth.
This statement seems at first to reconcile Yukteswar's theory with the traditional view, but in fact actually contradicts both.
Regarding Yukteswar's theory, in his own writing he clearly states that the traditional Hindu almanacs are in error and suggests how the error came about. He states that the length of the yugas, given in ordindary years in the scriptures, were misinterpreted by later scholars as being counted in units of "deva years" which are much longer. This method led the scholars to believe that the yugas are much longer than they really are. Yukteswar's theory is thus clearly intended to replace, not to supplement, the traditional interpretation.
Regarding the "much longer universal cycle" that Yogananda describes, he states that a Day of Creation is 4,300,560,000 years. This is close but not identical to the traditional number, which is 4,320,000,000 years. Similarly, Yogananda gives 314,159,000,000,000 years the the life of Brahma, whereas traditionally the number is slightly different: 311,040,000,000,000 years. It seems likely that Yogananda arrived at these different figures because he wanted to derive them from some multiple of the ratio pi. The exact manner in which pi enters into the calculation is, unfortunately, not explained in his footnote.

David Frawley

David Frawley is a Westerner who has become a scholar of Vedic scriptures, Jyotish (Indian astrology), and Ayurveda (Indian medicine). He has written a number of books on various aspects of Vedic culture and wisdom.
Like Yogananda, Frawley adopts Yukteswar's 24,000 year maha yuga and views it as a smaller cycle within the larger maha yugas described traditionally. Frawley likewise introduces some twists in the way he interprets both the smaller and the larger cycle.
With regard to the 24,000 year cycle, Frawley begins like Yukteswar by ascribing the cycle to the sun's revolution around a companion star. Frawley says that this revolution varies the amount of cosmic light we receive from the galactic center. Thus, he seems to have identified Yukteswar's Vishnunabhi with the center of the galaxy, which Yukteswar never explicitly does. Still, it is a plausible interpretation.
Unfortunately, a 24,000 year orbit would make only a negligible difference in our sun's distance from the galactic center, which is at a vast remove from us. Presumably because of this, Frawley abandons Yukteswar's notion that it is our varying distance from Vishnunabhi that causes the cycles of yugas. Instead, he posits that our companion star is a dark star, and when it passes between us and Vishnunabhi, tends to eclipse some of the cosmic light from that source, thus causing the decline into the less inspired ages like Kali Yuga.
In describing the greater cycle, Frawley states
The greater cycle consists of 8,640,000 years, and what it corresponds to astronomically is not now known. In this cycle we are in a dark or Iron age, whose duration is 432,000 years. Exactly when it began or when it will end are not clearly known either. (Some begin it at 3102 B.C. but this is just to confuse it with the beginning of the Bronze age or the dark half of the lesser cycle.)
In this passage, Frawley gives the traditional length for Kali yuga while giving double the traditional length for the cycle as a whole. Why? Presumably he considers that the greater cycle follows the same pattern as the lesser, with both ascending and descending yugas. Thus a full cycle would consist of Satya-Treta-Dvapara-Kali-Kali-Dvapara-Treta-Satya. Presumably also the whole cycle follows as a result of our overall revolution around some object more distant than the "companion star" or "dark star."

Alain Danielou

Alain Danielou has written a number of books on the spiritual traditions of India. In the book While the Gods Play, he quotes the Linga Purana and derives numbers from it much different than those in the traditional interpretation described previously. In this version, the life span of the gods is 4,320,000 human years. This period is divided into 71.42 manvantaras. Each manvantara is divided into the four yugas: Satya, Treta, Dvapara, and Kali. As a result, the length of these yugas is as follows:
  • Satya (or Krita) Yuga: 24,195 human years.
  • Treta Yuga: 18,146 human years.
  • Dvapara Yuga: 12,097 human years.
  • Kali Yuga: 6,048,72 human years.
By Danielou's reckoning, Kali Yuga began in 3012 B.C. and will end in 2442 A.D. By that point, the last traces of the present human race will have disappeared. We are supposed to be the seventh manifestation of the human race; the previous ones appeared in 419,964 B.C.; 359,477 B.C.; 298,990 B.C.; 238,503 B.C.; 178,016 B.C.; and 118,529 B.C. Our race appeared in 58,042 B.C., which according to Danielou corresponds to the advent of Cro-Magnon man. Danielou also suggests that Neanderthal man might be the race that precedes ours.
Danielou's version thus differs from the usual theory in the following ways:
  • He takes 4,320,000 as the lifespan of the gods, rather than the length of a maha yuga.
  • He divides the 4,320,000 period into 71.42 manvantaras, rather than dividing a kalpa into 14 manvantaras. His manvantaras are thus much shorter than in the usual version.
  • He states that each manvantara contains a single mahayuga, instead of the usual 71 maha yugas. His maha yugas are thus much shorter than in the usual version.
Danielou makes a couple of other comments worth mentioning. On the subject of why the scriptures portray a year as 360 days in length, he states
The number of days in a year is not constant. The rhythm of the earth's rotation varies over very long periods. A figure of 360 is considered to be the average.
In referring to the cyclical nature of the ages, Danielou also makes the following very interesting statement:
The circle is an illusion, for the cosmic mechanism is in reality always formed of spirals. Nothing ever returns to its point of departure. However, the circle does give us a simplified image.
Unfortunately, he does not expand on this concept any further.

Rishi Singh Gerwal

Rishi Singh Gerwal was the author and apparently also the publisher of a small pamphlet on ancient prophecies, published in Santa Barbara in the 1940s. The pamphlet contains translations of various prophetic portions of the Mahabharata.
In the Introduction, Gerwal gives the following numbers:
1 kalpa = 22 septillion, 394 sextillion, 880 quadtillion human years.
1 kalpa = 2 manvantaras (traditionally this would be 14 manvantaras)
1 manvantara = 71 maha yugas (this is the same as the traditional reckoning)
Gerwal goes on to give the traditional lengths for the Satya, Treta, Dvapara, and Kali Yugas. He then states that the present Kali yuga has 210,000 years to go. He also states that 22,394,880,000,000,000,000,000,000 years have already passed since the start of the kalpa. Since this number is the same one he gave as the length of a kalpa, we are presumably at the very end of this present kalpa.
Oddly enough, if you multiply maha yugas of 4,320,000 years times 71 to make a manvantara and then times 2 to make a kalpa, the result is only 613,440,000 years rather than the 22 septillion Gerwal states as his total.
The 22 septillion number is far greater than the traditional length of a kalpa, and the statement that 2 manvantaras make a kalpa is far fewer than the traditional number of 14.

Yugas and Science

If we restrict our attention to the traditional interpretation, we find that it makes a number of significant predictions that can be compared with the findings of modern science.

Great Culture Preceded Us

Beginning about 3,894,000 years ago, there is supposed to have been a great civilisation in which people were happier, taller, and much longer lived than they are today.
By contrast, scientists currently believe that homo sapiens evolved from more primitive forbears about 300,000 to 400,000 years ago. Humanity is supposed to have domesticated plants about 12,000 years ago, and animals shortly thereafter. Prior to that point, humans are thought to have been hunter-gatherers and possibly scavengers.
The scientific view is based on fossil evidence. The mystery is how an advanced civilization posited by the Hindu theory could have vanished without leaving any trace for us to find.

Cyclic Catastrophes

A number of periodic catastrophes are described in the Hindu scriptures:
  • At the end of each Kali Yuga, some type of destruction takes place. The most recent instance would be a bit under 4 million years ago. Other instances should be found every 4,320,000 years before that.
  • At the end of each manvantara, a great flood wipes out most life on earth. The most recent occurrence would be 120,534,000 years ago. Other instances would occur at intervals of 306,720,000 years.
  • At the end of the kalpa, all life on earth is destroyed. The most recent instance would be 2,267,574,000 years ago.
  • At the end of a life of Brahma, the entire universe and all its heavens and hells are destroyed. The current universe would have come into existence more than 150 billion years ago.
Interestingly, current scientific research does support the existence of occasional mass extinctions in earth's history. These include the following major extinctions:
  • At the Ordovician/Silurian transition, about 425 million years ago.
  • Near the Devonian/Carboniferous transition, about 345 million years ago.
  • At the Permian/Triassic transition, about 230 million years ago.
  • At the Triassic/Jurassic transition, about 180 million years ago.
  • At the Cretaceous/Tertiary transition, about 63 million years ago.
Additionally, some scientists have identified what they believe is a cycle of periodic mass extinctions occurring every 26 million years.
Unfortunately, none of these specified dates corresponds to the catastrophes called for by the Hindu theory.
Current scientific estimates of the age of the universe range from 7 billion to 20 billion years. By contrast, the Hindu theory calls for a universe more than 150 billion years old.
On the other hand, the dates ascribed by scientists to the various geologic periods have been revised a number of times on the basis of new evidence, and could possibly be revised again in the future. Further, cosmology could reasonably be described as an infant science, and the age it ascribes to the universe as a whole might also change on the basis of new theories and evidence.

Downward Trend

By far the greater divergence from modern science is in the overall pattern of the Hindu theory. The Hindu and scientific patterns differ in the following ways:
  • The main pattern in the Hindu theory is one of cycles.
  • In the Hindu theory, life follows a downward trend most of the time, from the finest age to the worst. At the end of the worst age, Kali Yuga, divine intervention rapidly destroys the wicked and restores everything to its pristine state.
  • In the Hindu theory, humanity is always present. The concept of evolution is confined to spiritual evolution; that is, each soul takes life in a series of lower to higher animal forms before finally incarnating as a human being.
By contrast, the fossil record of life on earth indicates that life began with very simple forms and later developed more complex organisms. The advent of humanity appears to be an extremely recent development when compared to the history of life on earth. Humanity itself does not appear to have existed long enough to have participated in the vast cycles of ages posited by Hindu theory.


There is no scientific support for the Hindu theory of world cycles. Further, current scientific theory contradicts Hindu theory in many respects. It is best to begin by acknowledging this truth, as such an acknowledgement can form the basis for interesting discussions of the different ways of knowing that underly the more specific differences. Such, however, must be the substance of another paper.


Traditional Puranic Chronology

(Anonymous), Introduction to Kashmir Shaivism. S.Y.D.A. Foundation, Oakland, California, 1977. See pp. 69-70.
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy & Sister Nivedita, Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists. Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1967. See pp. 392-395.
Baba Hari Dass, Silence Speaks. Sri Rama Foundation, Santa Cruz, California, 1977. See pp. 79-80.
Cornelia Dimmitt & J.A.B. van Buitenen, Classical Hindu Mythology: A Reader in the Sanskrit Puranas. Rupa & Co., Calcutta etc., 1983. See pp. 19-24, 36-43.
Swami Vishnu Tirtha Maharaj, Devatma Shakti (Kundalini): Divine Power. Pub. Swami Shivom Tirth, 1962. See pp. 29-30.
W. J. Wilkins, Hindu Mythology. Rupa & Co., Calcutta etc., 1983. See pp. 353-360.

Variant Interpretations of Hindu Chronology

Alain Danielou, While the Gods Play: Shaiva Oracles and Predictions on the Cycles of History and the Destiny of Mankind. Inner Traditions International, Rochester, Vermont, 1987. See pp. 194-199.
David Frawley, Vedic Astrology Correspondence Course, Part I, Section 1. Vedic Research Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1986. See pp. 16-18.
Rishi Singh Grewal, World Prophecies: Dictators and Taxation Foretold in Ancient Hindu Philosophy, pub. Rishi Singh Grewal, Santa Barbara, California, 1941. Esp. pp. 1-5.
Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi. Self-Realization Fellowship, Los Angeles, 1979. See pp. 193-194.
Jnanavatar Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, The Holy Science: Kaivalya Darsanam. Self-Realization Fellowship, Los Angeles, 1984. See pp. 7-20.

Summaries of Scientific Theory

Funk & Wagnall's New Encycopedia, 1986 revision. Various articles.
Rick Gore, "Extinctions," National Geographic, June 1989.



According to Hindu mythologyKalki or thetenth 'Avatar' of Vishnu, is the last of his forms. After this Lord Shiva will bring about destruction in the form of floods, earthquakes, huge waves in the oceans and disintegration of mountains.

In Hinduism, the universe was created during the 'Satya Yuga' and will be destroyed in the 'Kali Yug'. There are four yugas or eras in all. The Sat Yuga, the Treta Yug, the Dwapar Yug and the Kali Yug. And the cycle is repeated again.

The Sat Yuga lasts for a period of 1,728,000 years, followed by Treta, which lasts for 1,296,000n years. Then comes Dwapar Yug which lasts for 864,000 and finally Kali yug for 432,000 years. Kali yug began in 3102 B.C. People who are staunch supporters of the Scientific Theory and who feel that 2012 is going to be the end of the world. They quote the 'Puranas' or ancient chronicles, saying that Lord Krishnahad predicted the end of the Kali yug after 5000 years. This coincides with 2012, although traditional scriptures stick to 432,000 years. But the belief that Kali Yug will end with total annihilation is accepted by all.

All Hindus believe that we live in the Kali yug, or the dark ages and each successive period has brought about the deterioration of mankind in values, lifestyle, principles, morality and character. Today hypocrisy and quarrelsomeness are the virtues of the day.

But as the Hindu conceptions of life and death, or time are cyclical in nature, it is certain that the cycle of growth, decay, death and birth will always continue.
Some of the Doomsday signs according to Hinduism
According to Veera Brahman, a Hindu mystic who wrote the 'Kaala Jnaana', after Lord Krishna Passes away, Kali Yug will begin and evil will prevail. He further adds that:
  • A huge comet coming from the South will kill many people.
  • Male cows and goats will have mammary glands and people will milk them.
  • Tigers will become extinct.
  • The Sun will look like a green human being.
  • Other countries will bring prosperity and be the source of wealth for the Indians.
  • The moon will be visible on a new moon day.
  • Stones will be hurled all over inabundance killing people.
  • The stones will rot and bleed, and blood will come down as rain.
According to' Brahm-Vaivarta Purana' texts on Hindu philosophy, Lord Krishna tells GangaDevi that there will be a golden age in Kali Yuga which will commence after 5,000 years of its commencement which will then last for a period of 10,000 years. A surprising co-incidence as the Mayan calendar also mentions approximately the same dates although they never interacted.

Even the second law of dynamics supports the fact that everything eventually goes from order to disorder and finally comes to an end. It can be our body, our house, species of birds, animals and plants, earth's magnetic field or the Shrinking sun. This eventually means end of our World that we live in or doomsday.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Top 10 End-of-the-World Prophecies

The Millerites William Miller is perhaps the most famous false prophet in history. In the 1840s he began to preach about the world's end, saying Jesus Christ would return for the long-awaited Second Coming and that Earth would be engulfed in fire sometime between March 21, 1843, and March 21, 1844. He circulated his message in public gatherings and by using the technologies of the day — posters, printed newsletters and charts. Moved by those messages, as many as 100,000 "Millerites" sold their belongings between 1840 and 1844 and took to the mountains to wait for the end. When that end didn't come, Miller changed the date to Oct. 22. When Oct. 23 rolled around, his loyal followers explained it away yet again and went on to form the Seventh-day Adventist movement.

Harold Camping, 1994

Harold Camping's prediction that the world will end Saturday, May 21, 2011, is not his first such prediction. In 1992, the evangelist published a book called 1994?, which proclaimed that sometime in mid-September 1994, Christ would return and the world would end. Camping based his calculations on numbers and dates found in the Bible and, at the time, said that he was "99.9% certain" that his math was correct. But the world did not end in 1994. Nor did it end on March 31, 1995 — another date Camping provided when September 1994 passed without incident. "I'm like the boy who cried wolf again and again and the wolf didn't come," Camping told the San Francisco Chronicle in 1995. "This doesn't bother me in the slightest."


The year 2012 means many things to many people, few of which bring good news. A New Age belief cites 2012 as the year humans will undergo a physical and spiritual transformation, while some people predict that sometime that year, Earth will collide with a black hole or a planet named Nibiru. But perhaps the most popular belief is attributed (falsely, many scholars argue) to the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar from the ancient Mayan civilization. Interpretations suggest that the fourth world, in which we live now, will end on Dec. 21, 2012. This belief inspired the disaster movie 2012 starring John Cusack, in which a tsunami tosses the aircraft carrier U.S.S. John F. Kennedy onto Washington, crushing the White House and killing the President (played by Danny Glover).

William Branham and the Pentecostal Prediction

Just before sunset on Feb. 28, 1963, residents of northwestern Arizona watched what the Arizona Republic called a "strikingly beautiful and mysterious cloud" glide across the desert. That same day, Pentecostal pastor William Branham — who founded the post–World War II faith-healing movement — climbed Sunset Mountain and claimed he met with seven angels who revealed to him the meaning of the seven seals from the Book of Revelation. Days later, Branham returned to his congregation at the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, Ind. He preached seven sermons in seven nights, explaining the meaning of the seals and the seven visions he had received, leading him to predict that Jesus would return to Earth in 1977. He did not live to see the day. In December 1965, as Branham was driving with his family in Texas, a drunk driver smashed into his car. Branham died six days later, on Christmas Eve.

The Anabaptists of Munster

In the tumultuous years that followed the Protestant Reformation, myriad radical sects emerged, preaching an apocalyptic, millenarianist creed that perturbed even theological dissidents like Martin Luther. The Anabaptists derived their name from the Latin for "one who baptizes over again" and rejected most forms of political organization and social hierarchy in favor of an idealized theocratic commonwealth. In the 1530s, riding on a crest of peasant revolts, a clutch of Anabaptists assumed control of the German town of Munster and hailed it as a New Jerusalem awaiting the return of Christ.
But the situation in Munster was far from the ideal Christian commonwealth. Jan Bockelson, a tailor from the Dutch city of Leiden, declared himself the "Messiah of the last days," took multiple wives, issued coins that prophesied the coming apocalypse and in general made life hell for everyone in the city (except for a few fellow proselytizers who lived lavishly — and, according to some accounts, in a great state of debauch). The Anabaptists' hold over Munster ended in a bloody siege in 1535. Bockelson's genitals reportedly were nailed to the city's gates.

Late Great Planet Earth 

 and Other Prophecy Books

If you follow Hal Lindsey, you've probably changed the "end of the world" date in your calendar several times. His Late Great Planet Earth, which was the best-selling nonfiction book of the 1970s, predicted that the world would end sometime before Dec. 31, 1988. He cited a host of world events — nuclear war, the communist threat and the restoration of Israel — as reasons the end times were upon mankind. His later books, though less specific, suggested that believers not plan on being on Earth past the 1980s — then the 1990s and, of course, the 2000s. But Lindsey did more than just wrongly predict the end of days; he popularized a genre of prophecy books.
Adding stock to Lindsey's original claim, Edgar Whisenant published a book in 1988 called 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988, which sold some 4.5 million copies. Whisenant once famously said, "Only if the Bible is in error am I wrong." When 1989 rolled around, a discredited Whisenant published another book, saying the Rapture would occur that year instead. It did not sell as well, nor did later titles that predicted the world would end in 1993 and again in 1994. The genre's most popular tales are in the Left Behind series, written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, which, though they do not predict an end date, provide a vivid fictional account of how Earth's final days could go. The 16 novels have sold more than 63 million copies worldwide.


It was the day that was supposed to finally prove what Luddites and other tech haters had been saying for so long: computers — not sin or religious prophecy come true — will bring us down. For months before the stroke of midnight on Jan. 1, 2000, analysts speculated that entire computer networks would crash, causing widespread dysfunction for a global population that had become irreversibly dependent on computers to hold, disseminate and analyze its most vital pieces of information. The problem was that many computers had been programmed to record dates using only the last two digits of every year, meaning that the year 2000 would register as the year 1900, totally screwing with the collective computerized mind. But it just wasn't so. Aside from a few scattered power failures in various countries, problems in data-transmission systems at some of Japan's nuclear plants (which did not affect their safety) and a temporary interruption in receipt of data from the U.S.'s network of intelligence satellites, the new year arrived with nothing more than the expected hangover.

The Branch Davidians

David Koresh led his Branch Davidian sect, an unsanctioned offshoot of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, to its doom in a compound near Waco, Texas, in 1993. How did he do that? He convinced his followers that he was Christ and that they should hole up at what was called the Mount Carmel Center to prepare for the end of the world. Their ideas were based on the beliefs of an earlier Adventist splinter group.
When authorities learned that the Branch Davidians were allegedly holding a trove of weapons on the site and that there were possibly instances of abuse of women and children, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives executed a search on the compound in February 1993. The Davidians fought back; four agents were killed as well as six members of the sect. Koresh persuaded his followers to remain at Mount Carmel and refuse to surrender. For 50 days, a tense standoff ensued. On April 19, the FBI stormed the compound, a fire erupted (the source of which is still debated), and dozens of Davidians, including Koresh, died in the building.

Jehovah's Witnesses

The onset of World War I freaked a lot of people out. But it was especially trippy for the Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society, a group that's now called Jehovah's Witnesses. The society's founder, Charles Taze Russell, had previously predicted Christ's invisible return in 1874, followed by anticipation of his Second Coming in 1914. When WW I broke out that year, Russell interpreted it as a sign of armageddon and the upcoming end of days or, as he called it, the end of "Gentile times." History proved otherwise.
View the full list for "Top 10 End-of-the-World Prophecies"

The Great London Fire of 1666

In the Christian tradition, the number 666 is described as the "mark of the beast" in the Bible's Book of Revelation. So it was no surprise that Europeans worried as the year 1666 approached. It didn't help that the year before, a plague had wiped out about 100,000 people, a fifth of London's population, leading many to predict the end of times. Then on Sept. 2, 1666, a fire broke out in a bakery on London's Pudding Lane. The fire spread and over three days burned more than 13,000 buildings and destroyed tens of thousands of homes. But in the end, fewer than 10 people perished in the blaze, which, while catastrophic, was not the end of the world.


Six Of The Most Widely-Believed Alien Conspiracy Theories

 So let's start with arguably the grand-daddy of UFO conspiracy events: the supposed Roswell UFO incident. In 1947, the Roswell Air Force Base issued a press release saying that they'd found a mysterious metallic disc on a nearby ranch. The press was, of course, intrigued, but the base quickly changed their wording slightly: they'd found what appeared to be the remnants of a weather balloon. The change was not quick enough, of course: the local papers ran giant headlines saying that the air force had recovered a crashed alien spaceship. And in the years since, that story has stuck, as accounts surfaced from employees at the base that include multiple crash sites, massive cover-ups, and even a reported alien autopsy (a film released in 1995 purported to depict the actual autopsy, but it its creator admitted that "most" of the footage was fake, thereby sort of discrediting all of the footage). Die-hards still stand by these scant accounts of fishy dealings at Roswell. The supposed cover-up has permeated public perception of the base, leading to a Star Trek plot, a Futurama episode, and even an entire TV series, among many others. It also launched a veritable squadron of alien conspiracies. Some still believe that the spaceship remnants and alien bodies have been squirreled away in some sort of secret military enclave.

Area 51

And Area 51 might just be that military enclave. The actual base has long been a very closely-guarded secret, including wide "trespassers will be shot" stretches around the base itself and a large no-fly zone surrounding it.According to conspiracy theorists, what we can see of Area 51 is just the tip of the paranoid iceberg. The base allegedly features elaborate underground labs, hidden tunnels, a dedicated extra-terrestrial runway that can disappear and reappear, and research programs dedicated to reverse-engineering alien technology.In one particularly colorful and alluring detail, two different alleged former Area 51 employees reported working side-by-side with an alien being named "J-Rod" on cloning alien viruses and on a telepathic translator device (it's funnier if you imagine J-Rod as Jar-Jar; I'd watch that movie).
 And the mystery of Area 51 is still only one example of the vast network of supposed government cover-up of alien contact.

Project Blue Book and the Majestic 12

The government has been relatively transparent with Project Blue Book. It was an endeavor for the US government to catalog and examine every instance of supposed alien contact, visitation, and spacecraft reported to them. The project spanned years (and many incarnations), and its official result was that there existed no substantial evidence that these incidents were the result of alien visitation.

But that didn't stop conspiracy theorists. In addition to challenging the rigor of the study, some "experts" on the subject stand by the claim that Blue Book became a distraction and cover-up from the reality of alien visitation, which included a top secret international squad called Majestic 12 to perpetrate the elaborate smoke-screen. Amongst the alleged weaponry of this massive cover-up are disinformation campaigns, character assassination, and elaborate webs of government lies.Another weapon in the cover-up arsenal is the network of supposed Men in Black responsible for doing the actual dirty work. You've seen them in Will Smith movies and on the X-Files, but die-hard alien conspiracy theorists claim they're everywhere, as CIA agents, or as shape-shifting aliens, or even inter-dimensional beings. Some even report encounters with these men in black (like the account in the video above), and some say they have the smashed cameras and bruises to prove it.But WHY would the government try to cover up alien invasions? Just what are they hiding?

The Reptilians

The cover-up might just be so that world leaders can hide their true reptilian nature. Conspiracy theorist (and very creative thinker) David Icke is the man primarily responsible for the paranoia about secret shape-shifting reptile-like aliens invading Slitheen-style and replacing high-ranking political leaders. There are countless videos and images all over the internet purporting to depict these reptilians slipping and revealing their true selves.One of my favorite details about Icke's worldview is that of the Red Dresses. These are personality-less software constructs of the reptilian invaders installed at high rank to facilitate the aliens' plans. This particular theory is what leads to stunning images like the one above, which reveals a few of the "red dresses" in their true form.Another proponent of this reptilian-invasion worldview recently gained a bit of notoriety when discussing her own version of the conspiracy. Her name is Colleen Thomas, and she wants to warn us all of the impending shadow-government dirty bombing and a Draconian-Reptilian invasion.
 These reptilian usurpers and shape-shifters are supposed to have been around for millennia, manipulating all of human history for their own gain. But Icke and his reptilian cronies aren't the first to propose alien invasions in ancient history.

Ancient Astronauts

As long as we're talking about extraterrestrials secretly influencing human history, we have to talk about the "ancient astronauts." Erich von Däniken, in his landmark (in certain circles) book, Chariots of the Gods?, posits that Earth has been the frequent recipient of alien visitors. These visitors have brought with them advanced technologies, some of which helped build the pyramids, the Moai statues on Easter Island, Stonehenge, and more.Many religions have developed as a response to this particular conspiracy, and we've covered some of the most absurd ones before. Hidden histories like this tend to have religious implications. But, as the next item demonstrates, they sometimes have unexpected political implications.

Esoteric Hitlerism

As with any internet discussion, it all eventually turns to a discussion of Nazism. And alien conspiracy theories are no exception, with my favorite of the weird extraterrestrial conspiracies, Esoteric Hitlerism.
 Spearheaded by Miguel Serrano, Esoteric Hitlerists believe that the Aryan race is descended from an alien species of the highest order. Finding evidence in the story of the Nephilim in the bible, Serrano believes that an ancient alien civilization came to Earth to enlighten man. They bred with ancient earthlings, and the Aryan race are the only race alive that maintains any of the purity in their blood of these lofty ancestors. Serrano taught that the alien gods were hiding, with Adolf Hitler, in an icy underground fortress, from which they will one day emerge with fleets of spacecraft to usher in the Fourth Reich.


So if you are disappointed by a fictional portrayal of the secret alien interactions with humanity, you can always fall back on the real things that people believe. Sometimes, especially in the case of Esoteric Hitlerism, not only is the truth stranger than fiction - some people's version of the truth is just too strange for fiction.


The Anunnaki Remnants Are Still on Earth

The debate has been raging about the Anunnaki – not whether they exist – nor whether they have been to Earth – as the evidence of them being here is so overwhelming that non-acceptance of Anunnaki presence on Earth is only for those in denial of the truth. The debate is whether they are still here today. For years, much of the focus on investigating the Anunnaki has fallen upon the writings of Zecharia Sitchin, who has presented many theories, but also some hard facts. As any who have read my Nibiru and the Anunnaki can see, I agree with Sitchin on a few points such as the Anunnaki invaded the Earth, enslaved humans, and forced them to build huge temples and other structures for the Anunnaki pleasures. Likewise I agreed that the Anunnaki have carried out extensive genetic engineering on this planet. However, in the same article, I disagreed with Sitchin on many major points, such as: the Anunnaki being from a planet of our solar system; that there is a 12th planet in a huge elliptical orbit of our sun; that the Anunnaki came here to mine physical gold to build a shield for their ailing planet; that their planet which has been called Nibiru is extant; and we VEHEMENTLY disagree on WHY Sumer was dropped onto the Earth as a super culture; likewise, I am in total disagreement with Sitchin about the destruction of Atlantis; and he does not even acknowledge the difference between Anunnaki Elite who fled the Earth, and those remaining on Earth which I called the Anunnaki Remnants, which are dominated by Ducaz and Pers-sires, etc. I also stated that the home star or sun of the Anunnaki is called ZA-OS and that their home planet, which will be called Nibiru for purposes of this writing, orbited ZA-OS. Their home planet and ZA-OS, which are foreign to our solar system, have been destroyed. Neither exists. In other words, Nibiru will never again come near the Earth or our solar system because it no longer exists. Sitchin poses the question: Are the Anunnaki still on Earth? This, I will answer herein with a resounding yes. A brief look at some very obvious evidence in existence today will show that indeed aliens have been on Earth. The aliens are primarily Anunnaki, who came to Earth for conquest of it. Their planet was destroyed, and they wanted another base. The two major Anunnaki groups that came to Earth are known as the Reptilians and the Vulturites (a term I coined for this particular group of aliens). The Reptilian Anunnaki are known by the Attas as the Ducaz. The Vulturite Anunnaki are known by the Attas as Pers-sires. The Vulturites and the Reptilians are bitter enemies, and they are still waging horrific wars on Earth, using humans as their cannon fodder. The third largest group of Anunnaki are known to the Attas as the Masa-karas. They have two main bases on Earth. There is a concentration of Masa-karas based in central Germany, although many of this group have immigrated to Australia over the last decade. Many other groups of aliens are also starting to migrate to Australia. Eventually, Australia will be one of the world’s main alien centres. The Masa-karas have been constantly intimidated by Ducaz and Pers-sires who have bases in Germany, so the Masa-karas began moving to Australia. Masa-karas use many clones, but they can also take over existing human bodies. After centuries of resistance, the Masa-karas have finally succumbed to the control of the Ducaz. The Anunnaki have forced humans to build huge structures such as the pyramids in Egypt and the Americas, huge statues like those found on Pacific Islands, and huge runways and identification monuments for crafts visible to observers from the air etc. Many of these items had to have been designed by advanced cultures. Engineers today marvel at the feat of the great pyramids and wonder whether we have the technology today to construct them. Obviously, a group of highly advanced beings were responsible for the pyramids. And, more obviously, many humans were enslaved and forced to build them. Many stories say that Jewish people were the slaves who built the Egyptian pyramids. However, there were not enough Jews to do so, nor were there known to be Jews in the Americas or the Pacific Islands during the construction periods; the Anunnaki Elite responsible for building these vast structures enslaved many races and peoples. Back to the question of whether the Anunnaki are still on Earth, the signs of their presence are manifold. Those of the Attas connection all see through the Anunnaki façade. The major issue is that of slavery – the Anunnaki are slavers – they enslave all who they conquer. They conquered Earth and enslaved it and all its inhabitants. Before the Anunnaki came to Earth, there was no slavery. The Anunnaki taught it to the humans. But, if the Anunnaki were to leave the Earth, eventually the humans would return to their natural state, which is without wars and without slavery. The fact that wars and slavery continue, in and of itself, is glaring proof that the Anunnaki are still on the planet. Of course, slavery need not be forced servitude, as the Anunnaki have designed many other forms of enslavements using tools such as money, usury, and police power. These tools are used to divide the "haves" from the "have-nots", the rich and the poor, the fortunates and the unfortunates etc. The Anunnaki control religion and education and make certain that true knowledge is very difficult to acquire or impart. They use propaganda and disinformation to confuse, programme and control the people they enslave. It is important that misinformation and disinformation are mixed with enough truth to fool people, otherwise, they would be useless tools. Religious inquisitions show just how thoroughly ignorance was once imposed upon the people. Today, such inquisitions are accomplished more subtly by sceptics and disinformation agents who use tools like scorn and ridicule. Further, those who dare to go against the system are persecuted. Many have said that the human condition is explained away by human greed. Adam Smith, an Anunnaki, even dared to say in The Wealth of Nations that everyone’s greed leads to everyone’s good! This is one of the many lies that the Anunnaki spread, and it is the foundation of what we call "capitalism" today. However, the human condition is NOT caused by human greed, it is caused by Anunnaki enslavement agenda. If the Anunnaki were removed from the Earth today, tomorrow would be much brighter. The Anunnaki have elevated the value of gold and silver. They use these and other precious metals to manipulate prices of goods, appeal to people’s vanity, and often use them as the basis of money systems. Many believe that gold and silver are the only true money today. In times of struggle, people tend to invest in gold and silver. However, the Anunnaki invented money to help them enslave the people. Gold and silver are used by the Anunnaki to make their contrived money systems appear to have sound foundations. The Anunnaki have developed tax systems which keep the rich and poor blatantly separated and segregated. The rich feel superior to the poor and the poor feel inferior to the rich. Hence there is a crevice which divides the upper and lower classes. The Anunnaki do not want any real middle class. They want the poor to be poorer and the rich to be richer and richer. One of the ways that this is being accomplished is via the tax system in the capitalistic countries. However, class separation is also being done in socialist and communist countries. The social/economic classes are clearly divided in all Anunnaki-influenced cultures. Under the current situation, the poor are literally put into a "poor box" that they cannot get out of short of winning a lottery, inheriting something or acquiring money or fortune via some other means. Often those other means are very shadowy means. The rich, on the other hand, are getting richer under the tax systems. The Anunnaki have created class systems for their benefit, and in the most serious of cases, they have created castes. See my article entitled The Class Caste. The Anunnaki have made the Earth a hedonistic hellhole, which suits them fine. However, they have created an illusion of things being pleasant here when in fact, all life on the planet suffers tremendously under Anunnaki tyranny. The Anunnaki thrive on energy of people via the emotional bodies of those beings. To extract this energy, the Anunnaki create wars, conflicts, factions, religions, racial hatred, national boundaries, class systems, sporting events etc. They also impose drugs, sex, and paedophilia on the people, while also promoting cruelty to humans, animals and nature. These are NOT human traits – they are Anunnaki forced characteristics that are programmed into the consciousnesses of the people on Earth. The Anunnaki Remnants are walking around on Earth today in human bodies and some of them are seen regularly on the network news. They include many of the ruling elite and otherwise powerfully placed people on this planet. Some of the ruling elite are aware of their Anunnaki connections, while most are not. The Anunnaki Remnants, which included Ducaz, Pers-sires, Masa-karas and other smaller groups, like all consciousnesses on the Earth, re-incarnate again and again. When Anunnaki die in the physical, they reside in the astral until such time that they re-incarnate again. The Anunnaki Elite fled this plane and cannot return because the Attas have blocked their re-entry. However, the Anunnaki Remnants cannot leave this plane because the Attas have sealed all their escape routes. Slavery is the mainstay of the Anunnaki. It can be seen throughout history. The British were exporting it all around the world. The Attas were very involved in the American Revolution, and there were two main fronts. First, the Attas were trying to break the shackles of the British tyranny over the American colonists. The British were the chief Anunnaki agents at that time, which is why they ruled the world. By breaking the bonds of tyranny of the British rule, the American Revolution went a long way to dissipating the British hold on the world. Over time, after the American Independence from the British, the United Kingdom was forced to release its iron grip on Canada, India, Australia and other nations it controlled. The second front was to break Anunnaki hold on many institutions in America. The most important was to allow freedom of religion. Thomas Jefferson introduced A Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom into the Virginia House in 1777, which took almost a decade to get passed. That bill was the foundation of America’s First Amendment protections of religious practices and insured there would be no religious inquisitions in America. Also in the second front was an attempt to abolish slavery in America. The British had firmly entrenched the American economy and culture with slavery. The Anunnaki slaving control in the American Colonies was so strong that even the later adopted Constitution sanctified slavery and shamelessly protected it. In other words, the Constitution of the United States of America is fundamentally an Anunnaki-sponsored instrument. The Bill of Rights, would probably never have come into existence except Jefferson’s strenuous insistence upon it, was the saving grace of that document. Despite the valiant efforts of abolitionists like Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, slavery remained in the United States. Only with great daring and through a civil war was the Anunnaki-influenced constitutional protection of slavery busted. Abraham Lincoln, an Attas of the Light, dared to challenge the Constitution’s insane authorization of slavery and ejected that vile institution from America. Today, slavery still exists and is flourishing in many countries in the Western and Eastern world. This can be seen in child labour situations, forced labour, and especially in the sex industry, most especially in third-world countries. The most vulnerable to exploitation are women and children of the poorer classes. This is an Anunnaki exploitative trait. The Anunnaki are male chauvinists with devious sexual fetishes. They are murderous and dishonest, and harbour deep resentment for the female gender, and especially for the Divine Mother. The Anunnaki attempted to eliminate all worship and acknowledgement of the Divine Mother, but the roots of this practice were so deeply imbedded in the psyche of the earthlings that the Anunnaki have been forced to tolerate acknowledgement of the Divine Mother by the inhabitants of the Earth. Other traits of the wicked, bloodthirsty, and conquering Anunnaki include gambling and squabbling. They are also cannibalistic and reports today show this trait is clearly on the increase, as is paedophilia, and wanton physical and sexual abuse. Genetic engineering has been quietly practised on this planet for a long time. I have discussed this extensively in other writings over the years. Today, genetic engineering is no longer a secret. It is publicly acknowledged that plants, animals and humans are being genetically manipulated and cloned. However, the vast extent of this activity is being hidden from the public eye. The Anunnaki run a war economy, and real peace is never considered by them. They waste resources to keep people enslaved. They usurp all surpluses for their own gratification. The Anunnaki are behind the New World Order, which has been planned for a long time. The industrial revolution was planned by Anunnaki, not to improve the lives of the masses, but to trap them with desires and dissatisfaction so that people can easily forget about spiritual existence. Besides it altered lifestyles and confused people, and moreover, it afforded items of material comfort for the ruling elite. Also, it was necessary for this stage of the Anunnaki plan to have a major scientific revolution so there would be aircraft, bombs, mass media control etc. Before the industrial revolution, technological advancements were literally at a standstill for untold centuries. This allowed them to better enslave and control the people. The Anunnaki needed the advanced technology to finalize their plans to totally enslave the inhabitants on Earth with the NWO under a single power with a single police force. With technological advancements, identification, classification, tracking and profiling of all the people is now possible. In America, without a credit card, it is almost impossible to hire a rental car; without a social security card, it is also almost impossible to open a bank account. Since the incident of 11th September 2001, many countries are imposing serious restraints on travel and forcing identification procedures on their people, including fingerprinting, retinal tracking, DNA sampling etc. DNA sampling is currently being carried out in many forms without the knowledge of the people in most instances. The NWO plan has been imposed upon many other planets in the past, and it is the basic conquest plan of the Anunnaki for every planet they conquer. The Anunnaki Remnants have had great difficulty in getting the NWO accomplished quickly because the Attas have been disrupting the Anunnaki plans and the Anunnaki Remnants lack the assistance from the Anunnaki Elite. The NWO is being imposed by the ruling elite, who many call Zionists. Some people think that all Jews are Zionists, which is not correct. Not all Jews are Zionists, nor are all Zionists Jews. Zionists can come in any type of body or gender for purposes of effecting the NWO. They can be of any nationality, race, creed, career or religion. Many people think that America is going to be the NWO’s police force. For a while, this will appear to be so. However, when considering the Anunnaki plan for the NWO, one must always keep in mind that the Pers-sires and the Ducaz are fighting amongst themselves for supremacy. In fact, the long-standing struggle between those two factions is nearly over. The Ducaz have the upper hand, and they have temporarily retreated and allowed the Pers-sires to be very active and tricked them into doing much of the dirty work in bringing about the final implementation of the NWO. When it happens, the Ducaz plan to take full control of the world and the Pers-sires will be eliminated or be subjected to them. See my article on Aliens Behind World Government. Under the plan, when the Ducaz take full control, the tyranny will be absolute on the planet. It is these horrible beings, the Anunnaki, that Sitchin has written an apology for. Reading Sitchin’s material, he has painted these evil aliens as palatably as possible by presenting the story that they are trying to save their own planet, and leaves the readers to believe that after that is accomplished, they would leave without a trace, so to speak. But, the Anunnaki came here to conquer and enslave, not for any worthy purpose whatsoever, nor will they leave voluntarily. Anunnaki cull people and other species from the planet. Before, this was often referred to as genocide. However, today the more euphemistic term of "ethnic cleansing" is used. The disdain of other races is another vile Anunnaki-sponsored trait to divide people into factions and create hatred and distrust of one another. Any fair look at history will verify this as true. The twentieth-century Holocaust is one such example. For whatever reason, Sitchin’s treatment of the Anunnaki comes across as propaganda for the evil, conquering aliens. This is akin to the apologists who protect those responsible for the Nazi Holocaust. While Zionist propaganda has egregiously inflated the number of people (which included not only Jews, but also Gypsies, Germans, Poles etc.) who were murdered, worked to death, or starved by the Nazis, there is no denying that indeed a horrible thing occurred. In my opinion, Sitchin is an Anunnaki apologist. His writings which come across as protecting and mitigating the Anunnaki history do a great disservice to humankind – just as those who deny the Holocaust ever occurred do a great disservice to truth. Esoterically speaking, the entities responsible for maintaining the financial system on Earth are also being abused and enslaved by the Anunnaki. Fortunately, like the being called "Time", these money entities will soon be liberated. This is known because the Attas are from the future and they have nearly completed the mission of removing the Anunnaki from the Earth, but until it is fully accomplished, the Anunnaki plan for the NWO will appear to progress. The Attas have already restricted the return of the Anunnaki Elite; they cannot return to Earth. The Anunnaki Remnants are floundering without the support of the Anunnaki Elite. This is one of the reasons why it has taken them so long to implement the NWO. They have no escape and their fate is sealed. It has taken a long, long time to break the Anunnaki’s inertia on the planet which has enslaved and trapped not only the people, but also all consciousness in the physical and the astral, including even the "soul" of the Earth. Liberation from Darkness is at hand. The Rescuers and the Trawlers of the Light with their courageous team of Light workers will soon liberate the True-Light beings from the enslavement by the agents of Darkness – the Anunnaki. The more people awaken to the nefarious plan of Darkness, the quicker will it dissipate. ~KIROAN~

Variety of Alien Beings Known To Interact With Humans

ALIEN TYPE 1: The Greys. Of this type there are several sub-types. All tend to appear greyish in color and for this reason are referred to as "greys." GREY TYPE A: This is the type most commonly referred to as the greys. Also known as Zeta Reticuli from the Zeta Reticulan star system (the Bernard star) neighboring the Orion area. They function in a mode that is apparently military in nature with a rigidly defined social structure that holds science and "conquering worlds" to be the prime movers. They are normally about 4.5 ft tall with large heads and black "wrap around" eyes. They have limited facial features, slit mouth and no nose to speak of. They have evolved beyond the need for reproductive systems or digestive systems and reproduce by cloning. Their genetics are partly based on insectoidal genetics. Their science deals largely with the study of other life forms and genetic engineering. They have supposedly had a part to play in the alteration of human genetics over thousands of years. It seems that they may be trying to cross breed with humans in order to create a "mixture race" that would be better than either. (I've read that they are a dying species, that have cloned so much that now, with each successive cloning, the species grows weaker. They are trying to infuse new life into their species by creating the mixed breed.) There seem to be two main social classes. One is the more hawkish and is more abrupt, crude and blunt. The more dove-like ones are more refined and capable of a more business-like behavior towards humans, and prefer to use more "diplomatic" behavior to gain control over human's. This type of Grey is what I believe is being referred to as the "Orange" class of Greys. They seem to be emotionless (by human standards) and therefore are seen as cruel in their treatment of human beings. They are able to take human lives without any regard for that individual. They apparently can use certain substances of the human body for their sustenance and therefore appear to be carnivorous in regards to humans. (I also read that they extract fluid from some part of the human brain during intense emotional response [fear] and are able to use it like a recreational drug.) It is my understanding that these greys are actually servants to a master race of reptilian-type aliens and are trying to prepare the earth for their arrival by gaining control over the earth through many means. They tend to enjoy the feeling of freedom they have on earth, away from their masters and would desire the help of humans in confrontations with the reptilians...which appears to be a consideration for the near future (mid 90's.) These greys have their best known bases in New Mexico and Nevada but are also known to have bases in many countries of the world. GREY TYPE B: Tall Greys from Orion. Usually about 7 to 8 ft. tall (reports often exaggerate their height as being 9 to 12 ft.) with facial feature somewhat similar to grey type A with the exception of the large nose found on type B greys. These greys also have technologies that allow them to perform certain actions that appear "miraculous." These greys are less viscous towards humans than type A greys (but are still considered "hostile".) They tend to influence more through political controls and negotiated agreements with those in power. Their main bases seem to be in the Aleutian Islands. These are the type seen not long ago in Eastern Russia. GREY TYPE C: These are the shortest of the greys and tend to be about 3.5 ft. tall. Their facial features are very similar to the Zeta Reticuli greys and are of the same "root race.". They are just as hostile to humans as the Zetas. They are from a star system near the shoulder of Orion called Bellatrax. ALIEN TYPE 2: THE REPTILIANS: A genetics akin to reptiles, these are highly advanced entities but viewed as being of a negative, hostile or dangerous disposition since they regard humans as a totally inferior race. They would perceive us much the way we would perceive a herd of cattle. They are carnivorous in regard to humans. There is supposedly a "driven" planetoid or asteroid inhabited by 30 million of these lizard-folk that is to enter our solar system in the mid 90's if the present schedule is kept. They consider earth to be their own ancient outpost and would expect to have complete control of the entire planet upon their return. Their own planet is becoming unable to adequately support life and they need somewhere else to live. These are the aliens who are served by the type A greys. ALIEN TYPE 3: HUMAN TYPE ALIENS HUMAN TYPE A: These are of a genetic base similar to humans of earth. They appear of "normal" height (5-6ft?) and tend to be fair-skinned with blonde hair. These entities have been abducted by the greys or are the offspring of abductees and have been trained by the greys as servants. These entities are totally subservient to the greys. HUMAN TYPE B: These are aliens of similar genetics to earth humans and also, it seems, of the humans that serve the greys. These are from the Pleiades and are also of the blonde, fair-skinned appearance. This type is of a genuine highly evolved, spiritual, benevolent variety and have a kinship toward humans and are the only aliens to be truly trusted by earth humans at this time. They had at one time offered to be of assistance to earth leaders in dealing with the alien situation here but were rebuffed and so have taken a kind of "hands off" approach for the time being. These aliens are supposedly the forefather race of humankind. These are apparently not on earth much at this time due to serious problems in the area of their home. HUMAN TYPE C: Very little is known about these. They are supposedly another of the highly evolved, spiritual type of great benevolence to earth humans. I understand that their appearance is similar to other human-type aliens. They are from Sirius and don't appear to be much involved with earth happenings at this time other than being concerned about the Grey scenario. They could desire to be of help to humans. There are other known human type aliens of this "more highly spiritually evolved" nature that are apparently aware of the situation on earth and considering some possible course of action. These are from Arcturus and Vega. JW Well it seems that he is telling it about like it is. Source Of Information: Chris L. sent me this and got it off the Net. John Winston ~KIROAN~
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